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May 23, 2023, 7 tweets

Dr Syed Taheer Hussain, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology,Madurai Medical College #suspended by DME following the complaints of #sexual harassments by 41 students
“Talks Innuendos, Touches Inappropriately”: Accused Of Sexual Harassment By 41 Students

(DME) in #Tamil Nadu has suspended the doctor after the Vishaka committee found the allegations to be true. The Dean and chief of the Vishaka committee have revealed damning details about the sexual harassment through a press conference.

Dr has been suspended following sexual harassment complaints against him. 23 women, including Professors, Post Graduate students and nurses have filed complaints against him.
It is alleged that he misbehaved with the patients as well in the operation⤵️⤵️⤵️

They said that 18 students of the B.Sc Operation Theatre course, 2 Post Graduates in Anesthesiology, a nurse and 2 Professors have filed complaints of sexual harassment of varying degrees

Meanwhile, Dr Hussain has claimed that he is being
⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️ @PTI_News

witch-hunted for raising his voice against the government to protect the rights of doctors as the General Secretary of legal wing of Doctors Association. He says that he has exposed the malpractices in the promotion, transfer &posting of govt doctors in state which is ⤵️⤵️⤵️

why he is being cornered through fake complaints. He told the media that the victims don’t have any evidence to prove the sexual harassment charges!!!

He is innocent !!
@PMOIndia @htTweets @ANI @the_hindu


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