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May 23, 2023, 16 tweets

There are great sculptors, and then there are those whose abilities to transform stone border on the divine.

These are 15 of the most astonishingly lifelike marble sculptures ever created 🧵

1. Ugolino and His Sons - Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1867)

2. Moses - Michelangelo (1515)

3. The Abduction of Proserpina - Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1622)

4. Modesty - Antonio Corradini (1752)

5. The Veiled Virgin - Giovanni Strazza (1850s)

6. David - Michelangelo (1504)

7. The Veiled Christ - Giuseppe Sanmartino (1753)

8. The Release from Deception - Francesco Queirolo (1759)

9. Pietà - Michelangelo (1499)

10. Apollo and Daphne - Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1625)

11. The Veiled Hestia - Rafaelle Monti (1847)

12. The West Wind - Thomas Ridgeway Gould (1874)

13. Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss - Antonio Canova (1793)

14. Nymph - Giovanni Battista Lombardi (1864)

15. Laocoön and His Sons - Unknown

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