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'99 | artist and writer ❌ don't repost my work ❌ | GER/ENG | cc and ko-fi in carrd ⬇️

May 24, 2023, 90 tweets

#yoonkookau where they're both bunny hybrids but jungkook doesn't approve of yoongi's new "friends" a.k.a. a gang of shady predator hybrids.

Bunny jk would fuck them up, just saying

Yg hasn't seen him fuck anyone up tho, so he doesn't believe he can

Who are those shady guys and what do they want from yg? Nothing good

Why is yg hanging out with them? Who knows 👀

Bunnies yoonkook belong together

can you tell i rediscovered the joy of socmed aus?


should I continue this? Making socmed aus is hard!

The party


at the same time




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