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Resolution Foundation is a think tank working to improve the lives of people on low to middle incomes. Launched May 2021: The Economy 2030 Inquiry

May 24, 2023, 6 tweets

Speaking at our event @DAcemogluMIT says history tells us that there is nothing automatic about technological progress leading to rising shared prosperity. Other forces are need to shape the change we want to see.…

@DAcemogluMIT We (@DrDaronAcemoglu & @baselinescene ) don't have the answers to how we can shape the AI revolution (and don't believe anyone who says they do). But we do know that workers need a voice in shaping the revolution if its to deliver shared prosperity....

@DAcemogluMIT @DrDaronAcemoglu @baselinescene Speaking at our #PowerAndProgress event @DianeCoyle1859 says that are too many examples of where innovation is not serving society well - from food supply to pharmaceuticals. We're our 21st century equivalent of the refrigerator, she asks...

@DAcemogluMIT @DrDaronAcemoglu @baselinescene @DianeCoyle1859 On breaking up big tech, @DianeCoyle1859 says that she was proud of the @CMAgovUK for ruling against Microsoft's attempted acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Our regulators need teeth, and the courage to take on powerful firms if it's in the public interest.

@DAcemogluMIT @DrDaronAcemoglu @baselinescene @DianeCoyle1859 @CMAgovUK Time for our first Slido poll.

What’s the best way to ensure that the AI revolution brings benefits to workers, and not just firms?

1 Tough regulation of big tech
2 Directly subsidising worker-friendly technologies
3 Stronger worker power
4 None: policy efforts will backfire

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