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The Australian Academy of Science is an independent organisation representing Australia's leading scientists.

May 24, 2023, 26 tweets

🌟CONGRATULATIONS to our new Fellows for 2023🌟
These 20 Fellows are among the Nation’s most distinguished scientists, elected by their peers for ground-breaking research & contributions that have had clear impact. The Fellowship now stands at 601 Fellows

What follows is a list of all new Fellows elected to the Academy in 2023.

“There is no greater professional honour than being recognised by your own peers and the leaders within your own field of research for your achievements.” – Prof Chennupati Jagadish AC PresAA #FellowsAA

Prof Tim Brodribb FAA is an evolutionary biologist addressing fundamental questions such as why leaves die during drought, why some plant species are more vulnerable to water stress than others, and how flowering plants evolved the capacity for rapid photosynthesis and growth. He……

Prof Liming Dai FAA is recognised as a pioneer and leading authority in carbon nanomaterials. His groundbreaking work on metal-free carbon electrocatalysts for clean energy generation has changed the way people think about carbon materials and catalysts. His research program has……

Prof Mariapia Degli-Esposti FAA is a world-class immunologist who was fascinated by biology from a very young age. Her work has since provided foundational insights into the functioning of the immune system and its response to viruses, including components that could be harnessed……

@MonashUni @MonashBiol @Monash_Science @The_DE_Lab Prof Michael Fuhrer FAA (@MichaelSFuhrer) is a physicist studying the quantum properties of new materials that are just one or a few atoms thick. As the director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies, he is using advances in materials to……

From our personal devices to national power grids, demand for new, cleaner energy storage devices continues to rise. This is one focus of acclaimed chemical engineer Prof Zaiping Guo FAA, who seeks to overcome challenges of energy density, cycle life and safety, contributing to a……

Prof Elaine Holmes FAA is a computational biologist making key contributions to our understanding of gut health. Prof Holmes is motivated by the opportunity to explore how humans respond to their environment. Her work on metabolic profiles has delivered new information on dietary……

Prof David Keith FAA is an international leader in conservation science. Prof Keith's research contributions to threatened species conservation, ecosystem dynamics, fire ecology and vegetation classification and mapping support evidence-based decision-making and conservation……

@UNSW @UNSWScience @unswbees By examining ubiquitin—a protein that regulates many distinct disease processes—Prof David Komander FAA's lab has made strides in the area of disease indications. They now have a goal of providing the first disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson's. Working at WEHI, Prof……

Prof Sharon Lewin AO FAA (@ProfSharonLewin) is recognised globally for her leadership in infectious diseases, basic virology and the search for a HIV cure. Prof Lewin, who proved herself a gifted communicator during the COVID pandemic, also leads the Doherty Institute with more……

Ever wonder how your doctor knows the quantity of antibiotics you will need to treat an infection? Prof Jian Li FAA's research in antimicrobial pharmacology has been translated to assist the optimal dosing of antibiotics, and a new therapy for life-threatening infections. Prof Li……

By combining her skills in mathematical modelling and plant ecology, Prof Belinda Medlyn FAA has helped enable long-term prediction of plant responses to rising CO2 concentrations, warming temperatures and drought. #FellowsAA

Inspired by watching the Apollo missions on TV, Prof Louis-Noël Moresi FAA (@LouisMoresi) knew—despite their dodgy TV reception—that science was his future. "That did it for me: I just wanted to know all about planets and space and the magic of discovering new things." He now……

Prof Richard Payne FAA's lab has developed a number of technologies for assembling large polypeptides and proteins by chemical synthesis, which are now used widely by researchers in academia and industry.
His lab's discoveries have also seen the development of modified peptide……

Prof Shizhang Qiao FAA is helping pave the way for cleaner energy with his work developing catalysis principles and next-generation catalysts. Prof Qiao was one of the first scientists to combine experimentation and theoretical computation to drive discoveries of catalysis……

The search for answers about human anxiety includes analysis of how emotional memories are processed and stored. It's an area Prof Pankaj Sah FAA (@pankajqbi) never expected to research, having trained in medicine. But since becoming interested in how the brain functions, Prof……

Prof Brajesh Singh FAA (@Prof_Braj_Sing) is a world-leading soil microbial ecologist who is best known for his studies demonstrating the central role of soil microbes in predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate change. With more than 243 journal publications to his name,……

Systems driven by randomness are all around us, from blockchain algorithms to financial markets and the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied mathematician Prof Peter Taylor FAA builds mathematical models to make sense of these pervasive systems. His work has a wide variety of applications,……

Weed suppressing groundcovers and pest management in crops are two ways Prof Leslie Weston FAA's work is delivering more sustainable outcomes in agriculture. Prof Weston is a pioneer in the study and application of plant interactions with other plants, microbes and herbivores.……

Prof Andrew Wilks FAA FTSE FAHMS and his lab have made transformative discoveries in the development of new blood vessels and nervous tissue. Along with important drug discoveries, Prof Wilks founded Cytopia, one of Australia’s most successful biotech companies.
But trailblazing……

Smarter electricity grids, robotics, and cybersecurity are the key outcomes of Prof Xinghuo Yu FAA's outstanding contributions to the theory and application of discontinuous control of systems. Prof Yu says he is fortunate to be able to follow his passion all his life, having had……

Corresponding Membership is a special category within the Fellowship, comprising eminent international scientists with strong ties to Australia who have made outstanding contributions to science.
The Academy is also admitting two Corresponding Members for 2023:

Corresponding Member Prof Gareth McKinley FAA FRS (@garethmckinley) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology focuses on understanding the rheology (or the 'flow properties') of complex fluids such as surfactants, gels and polymers. Engineering science and materials innovation……

@MonashUni @MonashBiol @Monash_Science @The_DE_Lab Correction: Prof Mariapia Degli-Esposti FAA FAHMS is a world-class immunologist who was fascinated by biology from a very young age. Her work has since provided foundational insights into the functioning of the immune system and its response to viruses, including components that……

Prof Linfa Wang FAA FTSE is globally recognised for his work combatting bat viruses and understanding bat biology. Nicknamed 'Batman', his discoveries have produced biomedical innovations that have helped combat viral outbreaks. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Prof Wang played a……

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