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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 24, 2023, 19 tweets

In court they swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Giuliani said the truth isn't the truth?

So what about..

The Truth. The Trump Truth. And Nothing But The Trump

What might the Trump team know about Jack Smith's indictment? Lets... do a Thread?

We just read in the reputable conservative newspaper The Wall Street Journal, that Trump team fears Jack Smith is about to indict Trump

Separately, we saw Trump's pathetic desperate plea to get to talk to the manager, a genuinely Karen Trump letter, scared shitless of Jack Smith

So two independent sources show us, Trump team and/or Trump lawyers are in panic, fearing an IMMINENT arrest of Trump, by Jack Smith

What can WE figure out from this? Clearly THEY think it is real. I need to point out an illustrative but glaring detail...

Trump has been in court over 3,600 times (losing almost always). He had NEVER faced a CRIMINAL court. Those were all CIVIL trials, where his 'punishment' was 'only' to lose money. Money that was not his. He is not a Billionaire, Trump is a Debtonaire. He is broke.

But in March of 2023, two months ago, Trump was ARRESTED. He surrendered. He was arraigned on 34 CRIMINAL charges. He was indicted, for the first time in his life for CRIMES. Where punishment is PRISON. He is TERRIFIED. And yet... he did not write a pathetic letter like now

Trump had KNOWN for TWO WEEKS before his arrest, that he will be indicted in New York, and his US Secret Service arranged the tranport from Florida to New York when Trump surrendered. It was THIS SAME LEGAL TEAM. And they did NOT write a pathetic letter to the manager

So this today is WORSE than New York where he faced 34 criminal counts - with 136 YEARS the prison sentence he may receive - on a SLAM DUNK case his attorneys have said, Trump has already lost.

Yet this is FAR worse. Now Trump wrote to Garland, a moronic childish letter

My point is this. Trump has faced a CRIMINAL indictment two months ago, with this SAME team of attorneys, and knew 2 weeks in advance, yet he did not try this futile gambit then.

Trump MUST be EVEN MORE convinced NOW, that he will be indicted by Jack Smith

You get my point :-)

Can the court jesters and alleged attorneys of Trump KNOW when Jack Smith is coming?


That is something NOBODY else knows, except Jack Smith. Garland does not know, Biden does not know, Smith's second in command does not know. Until Jack tells them

BUT Trump attorneys will see SIGNS. And THAT is why I am writing this Thread

The Truth. The Trump Truth. And the Whole Trump.

If Trump told his attorneys the truth, his FULL crimes - his attorneys could do THEIR BEST for Trump. But we know Trump. Of course he did not do so

So if Trump told his attorneys MOST of the espionage crime - 80% of it - and lets say it involved 8 people, but Trump, HID 20% & hid involvement of 2 people from HIS OWN LAWYERS

when the lawyers see that each of the 8 people was interviewed by Jack Smith, they THINK that was all

In that case the Trump attorneys would VERY HONESTLY evaluate, that this case is now finished, and the arrest is coming. And they would not even know, actually, there is still MUCH MORE criming to be investigated, and 2 more perps to be caught by Jack Smith. could be MONTHS more

BUT what of Jack Smith? Then, when he IS ready to indict Trump - this is a CONSPIRACY involving Mark Meadows and Evan Corcoran and Christina Bobblehead and Borish Epshteyn and Cory Lewandowski etc etc. Jack is not going to arrest Trump - but let all the others flee the country

It is PERFECTLY plausible, that Trump attorneys have CORRECTLY evaluated Jack Smith case - that he is ready to indict Trump - but Jack does that UNDER SEAL - and Jack waits for months while Jack stalks the OTHER members of the espionage conspiracy

I do not want to demoralize you. Trump HIMSELF is CERTAIN he will be indicted by Jack Smith - and Trump believes that will happen NOW. Any DAY now. Any morning they MIGHT be at his door at 6 AM

..sweet dreams, Trumpo. Sleep with your pants on :-)

BUT there is ONE way...

Remember Manhattan and our celebration of #Arrestmas? Trump LEARNED the DATE when he will be indicted on Manhattan - because his US Secret Service had to coordinate the travel from Florida to New York. It is POSSIBLE that ALSO happens here

So, Jack Smith and FBI are under NO obligation to warn Trump's Secret Service when they come to arrest him. We saw already with Manhattan, the US Secret Service will OF COURSE obey the law, they will let Trump be arrested but will remain WITH HIM while in custody

My guess is, that Jack Smith will wait till the last possibe moment, but he will instruct the FBI to tell the US Secret Service to prepare Trump travel to DC to be indicted (and like with Manhattan of course Trump surrenders). That could give several DAYS advance warning to Trump

So it IS plausible, that the US Secret Service was just told in past day or two, that they have to bring Trump to DC. And THAT is why his attorneys now are in panic. The COUNTER to this is the OTHER criminals. Jack Smith would not want to ALERT the other perps

So stay tuned

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