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In favor of free speech, reason and logic. It must not be tolerated, freedoms to be misused to shut down freedom.

May 25, 2023, 8 tweets

$NWBO @DCarnival46

#CancerMoonshot today will not only be about glioblastoma, but about the horrible DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma) occuring in children and young adults.

You know who got their PIP plan approved last year by the MHRA in the UK?

You know who ANNOUNCED a new center of cancer excellence in Sutton in the UK two months ago, 130 miles from Sawston, focusing on DIPG?

You know who donated 2.5 million pounds to the center and that Hugh Adams works for them and have helped NWBO meeting british politicians and he wrote the "Pathway to a Cure" report, where politicians urges MHRA and NICE to get DCVax-L to patients?

SAME DAY MHRA announced this

"This new funding will accelerate the delivery of cutting-edge treatments like cancer vaccines"

One week later the MHRA announced this.

The new Quarterly SEC filing says

"We plan to work on preparations for Phase II trials of DCVax-Direct as resources permit."

You know NWBO already had planned DCVax-Direct trials in 2019 targeting DIPG?


Just saying.

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