Rajendra B. Aklekar Profile picture
Journalist @mid_day Author of books on India's rail history & heritage. Biographer of Metro & Railway Man Dr. E. Sreedharan. Museology @csmvsmumbai

May 27, 2023, 20 tweets

LIVE- To start with, here's an animation of exactly what is going to happen at #Vidyavihar bridge on #MumbaiRailway tonight. The giant open web girder of 99.34m length, weighing about 100 metric tonnes-one of the longest ones on Indian Railways over 10 lines -will be laid over… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Engineers at the site near the winch under the massive bridge.

A complete picture of the status at this hour

LTT Madgaon Express, one of the last ones to pass, before the work begins.

A jolly good fellow. Engineer waiting for the block work to begin.

The last train to arrive before the girders start moving Gorakhpur-Mumbai

Train movement stopped as work set to begin. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

The pushing of girder, begins 10 m per hour.

Gorakhpur Express shunting to LTT washing pit interrupts the block for a few minutes.

Back at work. Some crucial moments.

The rumble and screeching sounds of pushing the girders.

Achieving target. Nearing completion soon.

Closing in.

Monitoring from the other side. Every degree movement matters.

Almost there. Last few minutes before the Mumbai lifeline starts again.

Clappings and cheers as girders reach the other end as the first train arrives.

It was such a great learning process. The synchronisation of rail traffic, the deviation and micro movements of the girders, the stress, acumen, precision and grit of the engineers and workers. The final tense moments and at the same time as the day dawned, the innocent query of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

A time-lapse video of the entire night. Courtesy @mybmc

And finally, some midnight snapshots of the historic event. Thanks to @pdhivar sir.

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