Eyisha Zyer Profile picture
With AI, aiming to be 10x more than just average 🤖 | If you know the use of AI, you're smart enough to become wealthy | Let me help you get there!

May 28, 2023, 9 tweets

ChatGPT took only 5 days to gain 1M+ people.

Now there are more than 1,000 uses of ChatGPT

Here are 6 cutting-edge ways that will save you hours of boring work: twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Quick view of the thread:

→ Generate creative content ideas

→ Sub content creation

→ Generate marketing copy

→ Creative writing

→ Learn new things

→ Edit your writing

1. Generate creative ideas


"Generate creative 100x effective content Ideas for the LinkedIn carousel


Title: SEO
Ideas into table view list"

2. Sub-content creation:


"Stage sub-content creation:

8-slide LinkedIn carousel (each slide with the same number of words) (content idea: 8 Top Bad and Outdated SEO Techniques to Avoid) #Bold headline Add CTA at the end and my username @eyishazyer"

3. Generate marketing copy


"Write a catchy description for (AirPods Pro) new product (Use the writing style of Seth Godin) #simple"

4. Creative writing

It can write:

→ Poems
→ Stories/books
→ Music and lyrics
→ Scripts for anything

It can even write quotes for your IG theme page

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁: ”the most stronger words said by big people about AI all the time in history or will be in future”

5. Learn Anything Faster


"Break down (a topic you’d like to understand) into smaller, more manageable chunks. Make the subject more relevant by using analogies and real-life experiences."

6. Edit your writing


"Rewrite each bullet point in a manner
Set the tone with the right words

Cut 90% of the time words like "very," "really," "thing," "just," and "that."

If this thread is worth your time:

1. Follow me @eyishazyer for more
2. If you wanna support me go back to 1st tweet and rt

Love you all❤️

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