Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇺🇸🇺🇦🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
@RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2 Threads: jimstewartson, Bluesky: jim-stewartson, Mastodon https://t.co/ycc97UuQAu

May 28, 2023, 12 tweets

Top: Unknown author, Jan 2018
VERY accurate description of QAnon as a military-grade psychological operation to make “normies” cause “violent extremist acts”

Bottom: Mike Flynn, 2023
“Citizen’s Guide to 5th Generation Warfare” with chart “HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE”
🧵 https://t.co/l7tNnrsnp6

The top chart was posted to Medium about ten weeks after “Q” started posting. The behavior being described here *had not manifested in QAnon yet*

This was a PLAN not a description. Note as well that the author was well aware of ISIS and its radicalization tactics.

This intentional radicalization pathway was workshopped and perfected on 4chan and 8chan.

“Targeting of vulnerable social groups” — like moms, veterans, aggrieved white males, neurodiverse

“With perceived victim status for political end” — this is all martyrdom, just like ISIS https://t.co/oT9sjLe3k1

“Redpill” is a term from the Matrix that was used by incels and other misogynists in the precursor to GamerGate on Reddit. It gradually morphed into a phrase that actually means “brainwashed into neo-fascist ideology.”

Misogyny has always been the easiest way to divide. https://t.co/U64K7DMBJr

“Algorithmic reinforcement of emotional viral payloads through network propagation” is an academic — and accurate — phrase describing how insulated disinformation networks function to cause undue influence, aka brainwashing.

Right: TOC for Mike Flynn’s 2012 paper on psyops. https://t.co/elwpIUZ6it

Left: Jan 2018, “#IAMQ” is given as the label for “Identification, Indoctrination & Group Bonding”

Right: 2023, Mike Flynn uses “#IAMFLYNN” to promote a QAnon rapper and a song about holy war and “evil stuff” in “HOLLYWEIRD”

Flynn also promoted “I AM” doctrine in a church. https://t.co/OsCbY9er9E

“Moralization Justifying Violence”

“These people are sick” is a phrase that has been used endlessly by QAnon adherents

“Ratcheting up of rhetoric, imagery, aggression & dehumanization of out-group” is what’s going on all around us.

The author knew QAnon’s true purpose, before. https://t.co/K33pttzyvq

After the 2016 election a Pizzagate believer went to Comet Pizza with a rifle. He though Hillary had hidden kids in the basement. That was a successful test.

A week before the insurrection I knew people were going to die on 1/6 — because the purpose has always been violence. https://t.co/giBdPhjQNS

While I don’t know the author of the chart on the left, I do know the author of the chart on the right.

Mike Flynn brags about being a psyops expert, and about “taking over countries around the world.”

These 2 charts are the SAME, one just has more detail.

QAnon is a psyop. https://t.co/0uY6059hU6

Two months after the insurrection I shot a documentary that described how Mike Flynn’s QAnon psychological operation works.

I understood QAnon from the beginning because it’s weaponizing gaming techniques I helped develop for entertainment 20 years ago.

Please watch and share.

The QAnon psyop regularly causes death.

Veronica Wolski got pulled into the antivax “QAnon radicalization pathway.” She put banners up on a bridge — for Bernie, then for @GenFlynn.

Left: 1/30/21, Flynn’s house w/Flynn-signed “Q” gear
Right: 9/13/21, Dying of COVID, unvaccinated

While it’s unclear who accessed the “QAnon Radicalization Pathway” on Medium before April 2018, “Q” made sure to promote the document, accusing the CIA (“Clowns”) of originally posting it.

Of a document describing a psyop to kill people, “Q” said: “Bad mixed w/good”

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