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May 29, 2023, 44 tweets

This rapper is Forgiato Blow. He & rapper Glock Dara are associates of Roger Stone. Dara called for a “Red Insurrection” (“We gonna shoot when Trump say to shoot”) 3 days after Danish filmmakers recorded Stone telling him “F#ck the voting, let’s get right to the violence.” 1/




5/ I wrote about rapper Glock Dara and his interactions with Roger Stone here for @BucksCoBeacon.…

6/ As reported in the piece, the man with Roger Stone in the infamous clip is Glock Dara.

7/ Roger Stone has called the clip a “deep fake.” Three days later, however, Dara released a soundtrack calling for a “Red Insurrection,” which harmonizes with Stone’s violent rhetoric in the clip.

8/ Here are some of the lyrics to the soundtrack that Glock Dara released on 11/5/20, three days after Roger Stone told him, “F#ck the voting, let’s get right to the violence.”

9/ More from the piece.

10/ More.

11/ Dara had previously released a soundtrack calling upon Trump to pardon Roger Stone (which Trump later did).

11/ Glock Dara was one of the people thanked by Roger Stone after Trump commuted Stone’s sentence.

12/ Link for post 11. The original link (posted on StoneZone) seems to be dead.…

13/ Naturally MTG is promoting the video.

14/ Eek. Rapper Fogiato Blow’s prior work glorifies the idea of murdering his girlfriend… Figures that he’s friendly w/ Roger Stone. JFC.

15/ “You have to be outrageous to get noticed.” - Roger Stone…

16/ Seems that Forgiato Blow performed recently at an event in Lee County, Florida featuring Trump, Roger Stone, & Byron Donalds (another Stone associate).

17/ Forgiato Blow is described here as a “conservative” rapper who has “frequently appeared alongside Stone.”…

18/ All roads lead to Roger Stone. 😳👇


20/ Listen for yourself. This is Important. Please. @DOJCrimDiv @TheJusticeDept

21/ The apparent plan was for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and to then deputize militias to forcefully quell the anticipated opposition. Trump apparently chickened out bc Antifa didn’t show up on Jan 6 &, despite his best efforts, he failed to get ODNI and/or the DOJ to…

22/ … produce a phony report claiming that widespread election fraud had occurred.

23/ The plan was in plain sight. “F#ck the voting.”

24/ “Armed guards.”

25/ From my “Red Insurrection” piece.…

26/ Roger Stone also thanked rapper Mint Chip for his support after Trump commuted Stone’s sentence in July 2020. Stone views politics as show business.

27/ The worst show ever produced.

28/ “Politics is show business for ugly people.” - Roger Stone…

29/ This is DC Draino, another Roger Stone associate, promoting Forgioto Blow’s video.


31/ This is the event where the Florida Oath Keepers provided security.

32/ This event. Everyone involved with Roger Stone is radioactive.

33/ Thread.



36/ Did u notice DC Draino’s name on the list of speakers?

37/ Less than a week after Roger Stone’s 12/14/20 event, the head of the Florida Oath Keepers (convicted seditionist Kelly Meggs) wrote that he’d formed an alliance with the Proud Boys & Three %ers to “shut this sh#t down.” Stone seems to be ground zero.…

38/ “You have to be outrageous to get noticed” - Roger Stone 🥵…

40/ Look. Forgioto Blow has ties to the Proud Boys which makes sense since they are both close with Roger Stone.

41/ FFS.


43/ Roger Stone telling Forgiato Blow that Mitch McConnell is a “Ukrainian Cuck.”

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