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May 29, 2023, 7 tweets

The #WHA76 approved a landmark resolution aimed at improving the health of indigenous peoples.

Indigenous peoples, representing diverse groups and communities, tend to have considerably lower life expectancy than non-indigenous populations.

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The delegates at #WHA76 agreed to a resolution regarding accelerating action on global drowning prevention.

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Member States at #WHA76 welcomed the resolution addressing environmental determinants, including sound management of chemicals and waste.

The efforts can help prevent up to one-fifth of all suicide-related deaths from highly hazardous pesticides.


Member States at #WHA76 agreed to adopt the "Global framework for integrating well-being into public health utilising a health promotion approach".

This enables everyone to flourish and achieve their full physical and #MentalHealth potential throughout their lives and across……

The delegates at #WHA76 approved a new resolution on accelerating efforts to prevent micronutrient deficiencies through safe and effective food fortification.

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On 27 May, the #WHA76 approved a resolution to conduct an independent review of the Member State Mechanism (MSM) for incidents, substandard and falsified medicines.

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Member States at #WHA76 adopted the Behavioural Sciences for Better Health Resolution.

There was a broad consensus on the need of integrating behavioural sciences theory, methods and approaches across health topics and functions.

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