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May 30, 2023, 65 tweets

Day 3 at #IPAC2023

Next up, Dr Michael Klompas from Harvard to talk about Dogma in IPC - Airborne vs Aerosol vs Droplet

"Majority by far are small aerosols"

Natural experiment

"My favorite slide of the pandemic"

"Does not take into account transmission outside of care of patients"

Studies: "61% from community, others from asymptomatics "

"Need to isolate healthcare from community cases to determine true impact"

"Airborne chemists called for airborne in the beginning - what do you think of multi-disciplinary teams?"


" Dogma - what did we learn from this?"

Dr Klompas - "I'm all for multidisciplinary collaboration.

I'm not sure what we learned from this, that we did learn from this."

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