Barry Hunt---------------------I AM AIRBORNE AWARE Profile picture
🇨🇦 The World Needs More Canada 🍁❤️💪
11 subscribers
Jan 29 4 tweets 1 min read

What do you call this???


H/T @1goodtern for graphs Image
If you add these 18 to the quad-demic

And add in HMPV for good measure

You would have a

23 diseases on the rise
Jan 24 4 tweets 3 min read
I enjoy working through thought experiments & math models with Perplexity

Especially ones that challenge the dogma rife in IPC World

Especially simple ones that serve as sanity checks

That everyone in IPC World could & should be asking

But aren't Five or 10 minutes of prompts and interaction can erase 100 years of toxic misinformation

Supported with sources

For example:
Jan 18 20 tweets 2 min read
Breaking News:


IS A MYTH Phony as a $3 dollar bill

Fake news

Total bupkus

Wild-ass 19th century speculation that took on a life of its own

Despite all rhyme or reason
Jan 11 11 tweets 1 min read
Bird Flu Vaccine

Norway - ordered enough for 100% of their population

U.S. - ordered enough for 2% of population immediately & is supporting mfrs to scale up production

Canada - ordered zero; no production plans; will order if & when pandemic is announced by WHO or other This is not unexpected due to differences in recent leadership styles, politics & cultures of these 3 nations
Jan 11 17 tweets 2 min read
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) was established in response to SARS1 to protect the nation against future outbreaks, epidemics & pandemics

PHAC annual budget:
> $1 Billion

PHAC number of employees:
> 4,000 So...

How did that work out for us?

Nov 26, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
For more than two years now, CDC's Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) has pushed back against science, the public, HCWs, patients, Long Covid victims, & common sense to introduce better airborne protections for healthcare workers and patients The last time the guidance for "Airborne, Contact, & Droplet Precautions" was updated was 2007

A lot has changed since then

We now know most diseases are transmitted "through the air"

In fine aerosols

Not large "droplets"

And we face numerous airborne disease threats now
Nov 19, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
In the learn something new every day category...

I'm getting some nuclear medicine bone scans done this morning to look at the extent of my infections... Image
So I did a bit of research & learned Canada is a world leader in new production technology for Technetium, Tc-99m, the radioactive isotope used for 85% of scans worldwide

About 30 million scans per year
Nov 16, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
I'm concerned that ppl may think all we need to do is follow ASHRAE 241 or deliver 6 ACH to ensure safe indoor air

When that fails to stop the pandemic, there will be a backlash against investing in Safe Indoor Air This reminds me of the over promise of vaccines

They were never going to stop the pandemic

Neither will ASHRAE 241 or 6 ACH
Nov 14, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Today I had an opportunity to address the CDC HICPAC committee

The amazing speakers before me covered many topics but generally pushed the committee to do more to protect patients & HCWs, esp wrt protection from airborne transmission

This was my 3 minute pitch: This is a turning point in the history of disease transmission and Infection Control.

We already face an unprecedented challenge of pathogens that transmit through the air with even more serious highly pathogenic threats on the horizon.
Nov 7, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
Hi everyone,

The CSA Standard, Cleaning & Disinfection of Healthcare Facilities, is now available for Public Review & comment until Dec 3rd.

Here’s the link:… To ensure there is clear direction for HCWs to wear respirators while cleaning, there are two areas I can see that could benefit from public comment:

4.4 PPE for cleaning and disinfecting

12 Health and safety
Nov 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
It looks like 2022 was the Tipping Point for opportunistic infections due to Covid

Which makes sense

Since 2022 was the year the world abandoned Covid precautions

Thx @1goodtern 🙏 ☺️ Image Certainly that's what happened here in Canada 🇨🇦

😢 Image
Oct 16, 2024 17 tweets 12 min read
I asked @perplexity_ai,

"What's the best way to stop the Covid airborne pandemic?"

The answer surprised me "To effectively mitigate the airborne transmission of COVID-19, a multi-faceted approach focusing on indoor environments is crucial. Here are the key strategies to combat the spread of the virus:
Ventilation Improvements
Enhancing ventilation is one of the most effective ways to reduce the concentration of airborne viral particles indoors.
Increase outdoor air supply: Boost the amount of fresh outdoor air circulating in indoor spaces. This can be achieved through:
•Opening windows and doors when possible
•Adjusting HVAC systems to bring in more outdoor air
•Using window fans to exhaust indoor air and draw in fresh air
Optimize air exchange rates: Aim for higher air changes per hour (ACH) to dilute potential contaminants.
Disable demand-controlled ventilation: Turn off systems that reduce air supply based on occupancy or temperature during occupied hours.
Air Filtration and Purification
Use high-efficiency filters: Install MERV-13 or higher rated filters in HVAC systems to capture a greater percentage of airborne particles.
Deploy portable air cleaners: Use HEPA air purifiers in areas with poor ventilation or high occupancy.
Air Disinfection
UV air disinfection: Install ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) systems to inactivate viruses in the air.
Occupancy and Behavior Modifications
Reduce indoor occupancy: Limit the number of people in enclosed spaces to decrease the potential for viral spread.
Encourage mask-wearing: Proper use of well-fitting masks can significantly reduce the emission and inhalation of respiratory droplets.
Maintain physical distancing: Keep at least 6 feet apart, especially during activities that increase respiratory droplet emission.
Monitoring and Management
CO2 monitoring: Use CO2 levels as an indicator of ventilation adequacy and potential viral spread.
Regular maintenance: Ensure HVAC systems and air cleaning devices are properly maintained and functioning optimally.
Comprehensive Approach
It’s important to note that no single strategy is sufficient on its own. A layered approach combining multiple interventions is most effective in reducing the risk of airborne transmission. Building owners and managers should consider consulting with HVAC professionals to implement these strategies safely and effectively.
By implementing these evidence-based measures, we can significantly reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in indoor environments and help control the pandemic."
Oct 3, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Neighbours out for a walk on the beach tonite

Neighbour 1: "Have you had that six week cough going around? You know the one I mean.

Me: "No, I haven't"

#1: "Oh. Well it's going around. Lots of ppl have it. I've had it for 5 weeks now. Can't get rid of it"

Me: "It's Covid"

Neighbour #2: "It's NOT C*vid"

#1: "It's not C*vid. I've had C*vid. It's not C*vid. When I went to the doctor he had the same cough. He said it was a virus.

Me: "C*vid is caused by a virus."
Sep 28, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Those are images of my knees, taken this week

Six months after my last surgery on the right knee

Six years after surgery on the left knee

3 operations on the left

10 on the right, 9 in the last year

Both still infected These images are from a recent systematic review that validates thermal imaging as an effective & accurate measure of knee joint infection…
Sep 22, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
It turns out...

There may be 150 million 3M Aura respirators sitting in an Ontario Govt warehouse that Hospitals refuse to take

EVEN FOR FREE The CEOs / IDs / IPCs who run Ontario Hospitals would rather go maskless when they can and spend money to buy & wear leaky baggy blues when they can't

When they could easily provide FREE respirators to all staff, visitors & patients

Sep 21, 2024 24 tweets 8 min read
It turns out...

Respirators are key to patient survival in Hospital

Here's my story
4 weeks after this pic was taken

I had my failed knee replacement replaced Image
Sep 12, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts on Hand Hygiene

1. I don't know what the big deal is about a REPORTED drop in Hand Hygiene rates

Everyone should know by now that REPORTED Hand Hygiene rates are pure fiction

Phony baloney 2. ACTUAL Hand Hygiene rates are dismal at best

Just ask a patient who pays attention

Rarely have I seen over 30% Hand Hygiene compliance

And Zero is not uncommon
Sep 7, 2024 12 tweets 1 min read
Dear .@JustinTrudeau

When Govt ignores & hides & responds in half measures & half-truths to a global public health crisis,

Resulting in tens of thousands of preventable deaths

And millions of people injured and disabled It's hard to argue taxpayers are getting good value for their money

Or that voters are getting good value for their vote
Sep 6, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read

A Liberal MP publicly calls out the Liberal govt @PHAC_GC @markhollandlib to stand up & do their job to protect Canadians from public harm

"Legally the duty of the Public Health Agency of Canada"

[protect] "the people of Canada against...the spreading of diseases" Image I wonder if this applies to a novel neurotropic vascular endotheliopathic immune destroying airborne virus

That has killed 100,000 Canadians

And injured & disabled millions more

Destroying lives, livelihoods & lifestyles on a steep trajectory to be an existential threat to 🇨🇦
Sep 5, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read

First, thank you for the kind words everyone


.@Prescientx1 Yes, 🇨🇦 mfrs developed the world's most advanced respirator performance standard, CSA Z94.4.1

Including the world's first easy-breathing category for respirators

A hard won 🇨🇦 innovation driven by 🇨🇦 mfrs in a tough battle against foreign multinational interests
Sep 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear @TorontoStar

Whooping Cough is surging madly in 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸 & around the world

Dr Chris & Dr Bogoch are wrong

1. Whooping Cough is NOT in a typical "2 to 5 year cycle"😑… 2. Yes, Dear 'Doctors', the reasons are known

- rampant Covid / Long Covid

- anti-vax & anti-mask movements

- airborne denial

- Safe Air Complacency

All driven by Medical & Public Health minimizers & deniers with a platform