NEW REPORT: Are “white people” morally deviant?
We asked over 3,000 Americans about the impact of European settlers (Part 1), racial minorities' ability to succeed in the U.S. (Part 2), and whether it's shameful to be white (Part 3).
Here are our results for Part 1 🧵
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."
Results by race.
About 75% of black respondents agreed to some extent compared to around 45% of white respondents.
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."
Agreement by educational attainment.
About 50% or more of every educational group agreed to some extent.
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."
Agreement by generational cohort.
Around 70% of Zoomers agreed to some extent compared to about 40% of Boomers.
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."
Agreement by political orientation.
"Very liberal" respondents agreed the most with over 70% agreeing with the statement to some extent.
How do you interpret these results? We welcome your thoughts and feedback!
We are an #antipartisan research team. If you like our work, please support us by sharing our findings.
Freely view the full PDF report on our website here:
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