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In 2020 and 2022, we asked #liberals and #conservatives to estimate how many unarmed black men were killed by police during the previous year.

Which group was more accurate?

Did accuracy improve over time?

Here's what we found.

#police #racism #race #media Image
2020 Survey: "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019?"

The Washington Post's police shooting database says 12.

54% of "Very Liberals" (least accurate) estimated 1,000+.

13% of "Conservatives" (most accurate) estimated 1,000+. Image
2022 Survey: “How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2021?”

The Washington Post's police shooting database says 11.

40% of "Very Liberals" (least accurate) estimated 1,000+.

16% of "Very Conservatives" (most accurate) estimated 1,000+. Image
Read 5 tweets
What beliefs do politically intolerant people have?

Are politically tolerant people more or less concerned about political conflict than their intolerant neighbours?

We conducted survey research to address these questions.

Here's what we found.

#politics #immigration Image

We asked people how irritated they'd be if a member of their most opposed political party was dating a member of their family, their neighbor, co-worker, or local elected official.

Avg answer = tolerance score. We limited this sample to most and least tolerant.

"The United States government should provide financial
support to people in other countries who are in need."

The most intolerant group was more likely to agree than the least intolerant. Image
Read 8 tweets
NEW REPORT: Are “white people” morally deviant?

We asked over 3,000 Americans about the impact of European settlers (Part 1), racial minorities' ability to succeed in the U.S. (Part 2), and whether it's shameful to be white (Part 3).

Here are our results for Part 2 🧵 Image
How much do you agree: "Racial minorities in the U.S. have no hope for success because of racism."

Agreement by race.

Black respondents were more than twice as likely as white respondents to agree with the statement to some extent. Image
How much do you agree: "Racial minorities in the U.S. have no hope for success because of racism."

Agreement by educational attainment.

About a third of college graduate level respondents agreed to some extent compared to around half of high school level respondents. Image
Read 6 tweets
NEW REPORT: Are “white people” morally deviant?

We asked over 3,000 Americans about the impact of European settlers (Part 1), racial minorities' ability to succeed in the U.S. (Part 2), and whether it's shameful to be white (Part 3).

Here are our results for Part 1 🧵 Image
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."

Results by race.

About 75% of black respondents agreed to some extent compared to around 45% of white respondents. Image
How much do you agree: "Prior to the arrival of the European settlers, Native American/ Indigenous tribes lived in peace and harmony."

Agreement by educational attainment.

About 50% or more of every educational group agreed to some extent. Image
Read 6 tweets
Are Democrats more tolerant of Republicans than Republicans are of Democrats?

We surveyed ~500 people to investigate.

Here's what we found.

#diversity #politics #tolerance Image
Oppositional Political Group

"Which political group do you think is most different/opposed to your own political views?"

We limited the sample to Republicans and Democrats who selected either the Republican or Democratic parties (N=474).
Political Intolerance

We asked people how irritated they'd be if a member of the political party they most opposed was dating a member of their family, their neighbor, co-worker, or local elected official.

We then averaged their answers to get an overall tolerance score.
Read 6 tweets
Who prioritizes time with family and friends more, Republicans or Democrats?

How did the pandemic impact the time these groups spent with loved ones?

We surveyed people about this in 2019 and 2020.

Here's what we found.

#loneliness #family #friends #COVID19 #politics Image
Friend Time

"How often do you spend a social evening with friends?" 0 (Never) to 6 (Daily).

Both Republican and Democrat men reported spending more time with friends compared to women.

There was no significant change between 2019 and 2020. Image
Family Time

"How often do you spend a social evening with relatives/family?" 0 (Never) to 6 (Daily).

Between 2019-20, time spent with family significantly declined for all groups except Republican men.

Democrats reported spending significantly less time with family. Image
Read 5 tweets
New Report: Were Americans more informed about police shootings in 2022 than 2020?

In both years, we asked people to estimate how many unarmed black men were killed by police during the previous year.

Here's what we found.

#police #racism #politics
2020 Survey: "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019?"

The Washington Post's police shooting database says 12.

54% of "Very Liberals" (least accurate) estimated 1,000+.

13% of "Conservatives" (most accurate) estimated 1,000+.
2022 Survey: “How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2021?”

The Washington Post's police shooting database says 11.

40% of "Very Liberals" (least accurate) estimated 1,000+.

16% of "Very Conservatives" (most accurate) estimated 1,000+.
Read 5 tweets
Do men have more trust in social institutions than women?

We surveyed people to find out. Here are our results.

#politics #gender #trust Image
In 2020, we asked 1401 men and women how much they trusted:

– News Media
– Political Officials
– Hospitals & Doctors
– Educational Institutions

The most trusted on average was Hospitals & Doctors..

Political Officials was least trusted overall. Image
We compared men and women's average scores across all social institutions.

We found that, in 2020, Democratic and Republican women both reported lower trust than their male counterparts. Image
Read 5 tweets
Did Democrats care more about racism than Covid?

Did Republicans value the economy over stopping the spread?

We asked over 1,000 Democrats and Republicans about their priorities during Fall 2020.

Here's what we found.

#Covid #racism #economy Image
Covid vs Racism.

Most Democrats and Republicans said fighting Covid was more important than protesting against racism.

About 15% of Democrats said protesting racism was more important. Image
Covid vs Economy.

People largely agreed with 80% of Democrats and over 60% of Republicans saying that fighting Covid was more important than reducing the unemployment rate. Image
Read 5 tweets
Are Democrats more tolerant of Republicans than vice versa? Are you more politically tolerant than average? We surveyed people to find out. Here are our results. 🧵 Image
How irritated would you be if a member of your least favorite political party was dating a member of your family? was your neighbor? co-worker? local elected official?

We averaged answers to ^these q's to measure political tolerance.

+2 = max tolerance.
-2 = max intolerance. Image
We found that D's and R's were tolerant of each other, on average. There was no statistically significant difference in tolerance between D's and R's in either 2019 or 2020. Image
Read 6 tweets
What impacts a political party's level of infighting? We asked Democrats and Republicans how they felt about the parties in 2019 and 2020. How did the events of those years impact party unity? Here's what we found. 🧵 #politics Image
We asked two samples, one in Fall 2019 and another in Fall 2020, which political group held views most opposed to their own. In our '19 survey, we found that Dems were almost as opposed to their OWN party as they were to the Rep party (top right). Image
~55% of Reps in '19 agreed the Dem Party held the most opposed views. That decreased to ~41% in '20. Which events do you think drove these changes? A lot happened between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020. Image
Read 4 tweets
NEW REPORT about Americans' views on gender identity and #trans issues is out now. This data is from a survey of over 3,000 adults conducted last fall. Here's what we found. (1/8) #LGBTQ #Transgenderism
True or false: "Transgender women are biological women." About one in four zoomers said "true." The majority of people said "false," regardless of age. (2/8) Image
Same question broken down by political orientation. The majority of respondents within each category said "false." Over a third of adults who identified as "very liberal" said "true." (3/8) Image
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