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CS Rangarajan, Archaka of Chilkur Balaji Devasthanam, arguing for religious freedom & preserving traditional systems

May 31, 2023, 10 tweets

Art 86 (2) "The President may send messages to either House of Parliament, whether with respect to a Bill then pending in Parliament"

When Parliament is considering Bill to amend Constitution Hon'ble President can ask Pandit Nehru Yardstick to be applied

While it would be good to remove the bad amendment to Art 368 and make it in line with Art 111 where Hon'ble President can send back bill to amend constitution to the Parliament for reconsideration the #SengolAtNewParliament does give more power to act under Art 86(2)

With #SengolAtNewParliament representing Rama Rajya pious purpose Constituent Assembly Rama Rajya guarantee and merger promise to Shri Rama Raja Orchha Deity the Hon'ble President can act under Art 86(2) while Bill under consideration and ask for Pandit Nehru yardstick be applied

The #SengolAtNewParliament enables Hon'ble President to act under Art 86(2) and fulfill Art 60 Oath obligation by ensuring Constitutional Rama Rajya yardstick is applied by Parliament while Constitution amendment Bill is still u consideration in Parliament

Thus #SengolAtNewParliament actually empowers the Hon'ble President to refer any action that needs to be done which Hon'ble President thinks violates Art 60 Oath and Constituent Assembly Rama Rajya guarantee and same can be referred to Parliament Art 86(2)

Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute was discussed in Parliament but what happens if wrong opinion is given on reference of Hon'ble President to Ministry by Officials ?
Art 86(2) does provide option for Hon'ble President to refer to Parliament

Hon'ble President could not send Art 143 ref due to wrong opinion of officials on Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute thus violating Art 60 Oath..with #SengolAtNewParliament it opens door to refer matter to Parliament under Art 86(2) to verify Art 363 bar violation by SC

Thus any future Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute which arises when Constituent Assembly Rama Rajya guarantee is violated by SC can be referred by Hon'ble President using Art 86(2) powers to Parliament with Sengol installed to comply with Art 60

Whether on Constitution amendment Bill or Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute which arises because of violation of Rama Rajya guarantee ..the Hon'ble President while exercising Art 86(2) power by following the precedent laid down by Dr Kalam of consulting Hon'ble former CJI

Thus effect of #SengolAtNewParliament is really positive for the Nation as Hon'ble President can exercise Art 86(2) power and ensure compliance with Constituent Assembly Rama Rajya guarantee that Sengol represents as violation of which is bad for Nation

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