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May 31, 2023, 8 tweets

The bipartisan debt-limit deal, brokered between the White House and House Republican leadership, is progressing. The House Rules Committee has voted 7-6 to advance the bill towards a full House vote on Wednesday evening. #DebtLimit #USCongress

However, the deal did not go unopposed. All Democrats on the committee voted against the advance. Two conservative Republicans, Reps. Chip Roy of Texas and Ralph Norman of South Carolina, also opposed. Both are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which has criticized the……

The pressure is high as Congress races to pass the deal to suspend the debt ceiling before June 5. If not, the US could default on its obligations. Leaders from both parties face opposition from members critical of the concessions made in the compromise.…

The balance on the 13-member panel was uncertain, composed of four Democrats and three conservative Republicans. With the two Republicans opposed, the fate of the bill was in question. However, Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, the third conservative Republican, voted to……

Massie, expressing his reasoning during the hearing, said his purpose was not to imprint his ideology. He confirmed his support for the bill, marking a crucial vote for moving the deal to the House floor. #ThomasMassie #BipartisanDeal

Despite the hurdles, optimism remains. House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries stated they will ensure the country does not default and expressed confidence that they will get the bill over the finish line tomorrow. #HakeemJeffries #NoDefault

The final test for the debt-limit deal is looming as it faces a full vote in Congress. The fate of this critical bill will be decided soon. Stay tuned as we follow this crucial development in #USPolitics. #DebtLimit #CongressVote

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