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Jun 17th 2023
When your family can't choose between pizza and burgers, a pizzaburger won't make anyone happy…

#centrism #ProblemSolvers #AnatShenkerOsorio At the center of Shenker-Os...
A convincer's job is to persuade pizza-eaters to go for the burger instead.…

#NothingBurgers #Centrism #Cynicism #NoLabels The job of a convincer is t...
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2023
The bipartisan debt-limit deal, brokered between the White House and House Republican leadership, is progressing. The House Rules Committee has voted 7-6 to advance the bill towards a full House vote on Wednesday evening. #DebtLimit #USCongress Image
However, the deal did not go unopposed. All Democrats on the committee voted against the advance. Two conservative Republicans, Reps. Chip Roy of Texas and Ralph Norman of South Carolina, also opposed. Both are members of the House Freedom Caucus, which has criticized the…… Image
The pressure is high as Congress races to pass the deal to suspend the debt ceiling before June 5. If not, the US could default on its obligations. Leaders from both parties face opposition from members critical of the concessions made in the compromise.… Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Trad-Reps are extremely revisionist. They think that the 2016 Trump Revolution was somehow a Social Conservative revolution (It wasn't, it was a NatPop one), and believe that their views are “Populist”, when their opinions are unpopular.

#USA #GOP #USPolitics
On top of that, they've seemingly forgotten that the Christian Conservative “Culture War” wing of the party was a founding member of the Reagan-Bush establishment consensus that has helped ruin the country with globalism and mass immigration.
... Granted, the Christian Right-wing TradCon faction of the GOP has always been somewhat against immigration, they did still accept the globalist shilling the GOP did for decades in exchange for Conservative social policies.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
There’s a coordinated international hit job on 🇨🇦’s gov’t. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇷🇺🇨🇳 operations. The ops coming out of England may be a proxy for Russian ops amplified by England’s ever-present far right. They inauthentically trend anti-Trudeau hashtags using accelerator botnets & trolls #cdnpoli
But, as I’ve said many times, these ops are only successful when they can get real people to engage & perpetuate them. So 3k people in 🇨🇦 + 4K in 🇺🇸 + 3K in 🇬🇧 + troll factories & botnets, suddenly appears like an overwhelming movement that spurs others to believe. #CdnDisinfo
Troll networks are complex echo chambers that have steadily evolved since the early days of 🇷🇺’s Internet Research Agency. To be successful they MUST include authentic users. So a typical response from people in these malign networks is “she says I’m a bot!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣”. Um, no
Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
Did you really think that our Gov’t Overlords were gonna just pass up on more power grabs via CBDCs? Are you that naïve anon?

#bitcoin is so important, for far more reasons than many of you little dopamine-addicted brainlets can conceptualize.
Bring the FAKE Mt Olympus down upon the false gods of #eth #sol and the rest of this parasitic space. #bitcoin or bust.
Not a fan of gov't intervention. This space needs a cleaning...and it's quite clear that the morons and the sheep (often one in the same). If we leave it to #eth and the #altcoin space... the few will siphon the many like the vampires that they are.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
And the hits keep coming-

"Farms across France were hit by heavy hail and fierce storms over the weekend... while their counterparts in Italy warned of the impact of drought on crop yields."

Dark times ahead.

#ClimateCrisis #food #France #Italy #Europe…
In France, the world's 4th largest wheat exporter- 'Hail, strong winds & torrential rain caused damage... affecting wheat as well as fruit crops & vineyards'

"The damage is very significant, with some farms seeing 100% of their crop affected"

#food #farm…

'Italy has received only half the usual rainfall levels so far in 2022, according to agricultural lobby Coldiretti, which estimates the cost of lost production at close to 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion)'

#ClimateCrisis #food #water #Italy…
Read 20 tweets
May 4th 2022
[THREAD] With former President #Trump's appointees appearing set to overturn abortion rights, @POTUS on Wednesday called Trump's far-right base "the most extreme political organization" in recent American history.

#uspolitics #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned #RoeVsWade #MAGA
If the @GOP appointees overturn that case, it could effectively outlaw abortion in more than a dozen states immediately, with another dozen or so states likely to follow.

#uspolitics #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned #RoeVsWade
It could potentially open the door for right-wing crackdowns in other areas too such as #LGBTQ rights.

#uspolitics #scotus #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned #RoeVsWade
Read 6 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
'Hurricane Ida ... took its toll on American agriculture, in ways both obvious and subtle'

Severe winds & flooding damaging crops, seawater infiltration, damage to ports...

#ClimateCrisis #agriculture #HurricaneIda…
'Everything is Gone’ New Jersey’s Largest Dairy Devastated by Hurricane Ida

-National Weather Service confirmed 5 tornadoes touched down in New Jersey & eastern Pennsylvania during the fierce thunderstorms triggered by the leftovers of Hurricane Ida…
☝️in case you were wondering about the connection between hurricanes & tornadoes (I was) - see:…
Read 7 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
#canpoli #USPolitics #worldwide #NWO #evilliveshere
#onpoli #TOpoli

'The Biggest Threat' to the world is NOT the coronavirus.

'The Biggest Threat' is the UN's @UN #Agenda2030


The World Economic Forum's @wef #TheGreatReset

#Agenda2030 and #TheGreatReset are pure EVIL!
@wef #TheGreatReset

THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot
Read 4 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
This 🧵 is about the @DNC's platform vote on cannabis and why I will not back down in my support of legalization even though my Party did not vote in favor of legalization.

#Marijuana #MarijuanaJustice #cannabis #NCpol #CannabisCommunity #Cannabisnews #USpolitics #DNC #DemCast
On July 27, the @DNC voted against an amendment to its official 2020 policy platform. This amendment would've supported the legalization of medicinal & recreational cannabis across the country; however, it was sharply rejected with a sweeping 50-106 vote.
Now that the @DNC Convention is set to begin next week, on August 17, I felt it pertinent to speak out against this vote which I feel is not reflective of many members of the Democratic Party, nor of many candidates who are running on the Democratic ticket this fall. #Cannabis
Read 15 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
One thing I've observed about the debate on the effects or defects of the Trump presidency, is that majority of Nigerians in the diaspora, and a huge chunk of the African American population, have heavy anti Trump sentiments.
They view him, rightly or otherwise, as a racist and white supremacist. On the other hand, majority of 'concerned' Nigerians at home, view him in an entirely different light, using an entirely different barometer of judgement.
Nigerians at home aren't as concerned about Trump's racist or white supremacist tendencies. They're more drawn to him by his unconventional type of politics, which is fascinating to them. His bluntness, lack of political correctness and more importantly, his apparent 'distaste'
Read 14 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
Trump "an aberration" but the US global alliances may not survive a second term, says @AmbJohnBolton. #abc730 @leighsales @nadiasdaly…
“I don't really think @realDonaldTrump is fit. He doesn't have a guiding philosophy or grand strategy or policy … He's the only president I've ever seen whose almost exclusive notion is concentrating on his own re-election.” - @AmbJohnBolton #abc730 #USPolitics
@realDonaldTrump wanted to do something with Ukraine, both to get retribution against Hillary for 2016, but also to damage Biden in 2020.” - @AmbJohnBolton #abc730 #USPolitics
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May 28th 2020
Jan 22: "It's one person coming in from China and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine."
- @realDonaldTrump
Feb 2: "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
- @realDonaldTrump
Read 16 tweets
Apr 6th 2020
Americans, do you know what your government is doing? They are behaving like pirates, scooping up PPEs and ventilators destined for other countries. Germany, Canada, France, and now Barbados! #USPolitics 1/7…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 5th 2020
Så er tiden kommet til en ny #COVID19dk-tråd. Jeg starter med en go' og lidt nørdet gennemgang af #SARSCoV2, i alle dets bestanddele.

Tidligere tråde:
Tråd (1):
Tråd (2):
Tråd (3):…
Denne pandemi kommer til at gøre ondt og vil kræve en helt ny global struktur, med et hidtil uset internationalt samarbejde. Vi kan ikke længere ignorere sandheden. Vi er alle ombord på det samme rumskib: Jorden. #COVID19Pandemic #dkaid…
Meget tyder på, at hydroxyklorokin og klorokin er ikke et vidundermiddel i behandlingen af #COVID19dk [This post contains a preprint that's not been peer-reviewed.]…
Read 28 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
Den gamle #SARSCoV2-tråd er blevet for lang, så derfor jeg starter en ny - Har man spørgsmål, er man meget velkommen til at stille dem i tråden. Image
𝗖𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝟭𝟵 𝗼𝗴 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘁: Er man gravid, så er det vigtigt at være ekstra opmærksom på riskoen ved #SARSCoV2. Vi ved fra både SARS og MERS at det kan have alvorlige konsekvenser. Men vi mangler stadig viden om SARSCoV2. Der er dog ingen grund til at tage chancer.
Derfor - Har man været i et område indenfor de seneste 14 dage, hvor der er konstateret SARSCoV2/Covid19. Eller har man været i kontakt med folk der senere er blevet konstateret smittet. Så er det vigtigt at man henvender sig til sygehuset og tager alle forholdsregler til mødet.
Read 66 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
By @southfronteng
Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 15, 2019 (Map Update)…
🗣️After 18 years of illegal occupation by the US-led coalition😲🤨😏🤔?
🗣️Why is ISIS increasing day by day🤔🤨😏?
🗣️Can anyone guess what's really going on in Afghanistan🤨😏?
🗣️This is easy!
🤬@USArmy = #ISIS‼️
🤬 #USA🇺🇸& allies OUT Of Afganistan NOW🤬!…
Read 21 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
Man kan lära sig en del om vad USA värdesätter från Sverige när man läser grattismeddelandet från utrikesminister @SecPompeo på Sveriges nationaldag...

#svpol #ampol #USPolitics #nationaldagen #6juni Image
Dels kände jag inte till att Sverige och USA handlar för 25 miljarder dollar mellan sig årligen. @SecPompeo tackar för "tusentals jobb" som länderna skapat.

Men det mest intressanta...
Mest intressant i grattismeddelandet från USA är tveklöst bisatsen där @SecPompeo tackar för att Sverige är med och tränar irakiska styrkor för att slåss mot IS.

Varför det är intressant?
För att Sverige avbröt det samarbetet för en vecka sedan...
Read 7 tweets
Mar 11th 2019
I've finally managed to put together a google drive with some of the resources that people have seemed to love and want to use. I will add to this as much as I can and leave it as a pinned tweet. Thanks to everyone for their kind words and inspiration. #historyteacher
The Rubik's cube - great for knowledge recall and revision.…
The 'Halls of Fame' again spot on for recall of historic individuals and their impact.…
Read 47 tweets
Nov 10th 2018
#NSPNsymposium18 @yfortiss starts off the session on Rebuilding Sustainable & Resilient #PuertoRico thru #Science @scipolnetwork

w/ @Sefini @sloan_kettering, Juan Ramirez @aaas @nahjUPRRP, and @fcoloninFL of Jasperi Consulting and former advisor to US Dept of State
Ramirez shows #NSPNsymposium18 the striking and dramatic impact of the #PuertoRico hurricane, and the impact on services and #infrastructure. Power was a prominent lasting impact. Cellphone signal was out for days, but once back the people got to work 💪
Pix of the student centre & research building at the university @nahjUPRRP soon after the hurricane in #PuertoRico, taken by Ramirez. Just over a year later, the regular semester and the natural beauty of the campus has returned 👏 #NSPNsymposium18
Read 19 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
You know, we post a lot of memes about Trump. Silly memes, angry memes... But there's really nothing to laugh at. Trump is a monster. And the people around him? They are monsters too. #USPolitics #cdnpoli #AbLeg #abpoli 1/19
Brazil has just elected a fascist. A more open monster, but I am not sure if he is really any worse. And in Ontario, with Doug Ford, the incompetent fascist regime has been elected. #onpoli #cdnpoli 2/19
Two more parties sit convincing people they are the governments in waiting; Jason Kenney's UCP, and Andrew Scheer's CPC. They are all cut from the same cloth. Don't let the smiles and dimples fool you. 3/19
Read 20 tweets

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