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Glenn D. Wilburn Fellow at the @LibertarianInst The OKBOMB Archive: https://t.co/iVCOrUQPmb Substack: https://t.co/Lhzvs6urpx YT channel: https://t.co/nNmyJGxFVz FOIAs: https://t.co/tizsQCGFWX

May 31, 2023, 15 tweets

Classic Moments in CIA Moron History:

Richard Helms tells a journalist that he immediately checked after 11/22/63 to ask if his own CIA people were involved in the JFK assassination.

Journalist says: "Hmm. Well, why would you do that?"


Journo: "You did that in November of 1963?"
Helms: "Of course"
Journo: "Had anyone accused you then? Why did you do that?"
Helms: [realizes he fucked up]

Gotta include a scene reproducing this interview in any black comedy about the CIA

"Why did you check to see if the CIA was involved? Had anyone accused you at the time?"

Richard Helms gets mad and loses his temper when being asked about assassination plots

Judging by the engagement on this tweet, I can tell a lot of people be knowing that the CIA killed JFK

Here are some books about it

The journalist (an absolute king) asking the questions here is @SchlesCBS

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