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Glenn D. Wilburn Fellow at the @LibertarianInst The OKBOMB Archive: https://t.co/iVCOrUQPmb Substack: https://t.co/Lhzvs6urpx YT channel: https://t.co/nNmyJGxFVz FOIAs: https://t.co/tizsQCGFWX
4 subscribers
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This December 22, 1974 story by Seymour Hersh caused:

(1) the Church Committee to be formed
(2) Angleton to be fired
(3) major disclosures of CIA crimes

So pardon me if I'm skeptical re: people saying that Hersh is wrong about Biden being the Nord Stream bomber ImageImage Another bombshell report from Seymour Hersh on the same day. This one is specifically about James Angleton. Image
Jun 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

He needs to be put in prison

foxnews.com/politics/non-b… Special treatment.

If this were me, I would have got the 15 years.
We're talking multiple brazen thefts, worth a total cumulative value of around $10,000.

#LockHimUpAlready Image
Jun 3, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
The man who wrote 'Operation Northwoods' which proposed killing a bunch of Americans and blaming it on Cuba was "fired" by JFK. But what happened next was he was sent to NATO Supreme Allied Headquarters where he would reside when NATO's terror assets carried out GLADIO in Italy Image So, he gets "fired" for proposing that we kill Americans

Then he gets sent somewhere where false flags killing civilians is a key part of the job

Sounds like he got a promotion to me.
Jun 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
When JFK was shot, Dallas Police officer Joe M. Smith ran to the grassy knoll and found a man who showed him Secret Service credentials. USSS later confirmed they had no agents in Dealey Plaza that day. Who was the man w/ the fake credentials? Mark Lane writes about the fake Secret Service credentials where they might have originated in his book "Last Word" ImageImage
Jun 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On June 3rd, 1960, when Lee Harvey Oswald was in the USSR, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo saying that there was an imposter using Oswald's birth certificate in the United States. If Oswald was a lone-nut why was the FBI Director writing about people impersonating him? January 1961, when Oswald was still in the USSR, a man representing himself as "Lee Oswald" attempted o buy some jeeps and trucks for "Friends of Democratic Cuba" -- an anti-Castro organization. Who was using Oswald's identity for this?

Jun 3, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
In September 1963, Cuban activist Sylvia Odio was visited by three men: Lee Oswald and two Cubans who claimed to belong to the left-wing exile group 'JURE.' One of the Cubans told Odio that their friend Oswald was a Marine, a crack shot, and had advocated for Kennedy to be killed video clip from the 1979 BBC production "The Assassination of President Kennedy"

Jun 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It's a minor thing, but one clue that Biden is trashy and low-class is that he points. Points his finger at the ground when he falls over, always points when he's exiting a stage when confused about where to go. Points his finger in Doocey's face when asked question Meanwhile, we learn growing up, those of us with some decorum, that pointing is considered rude and disrespectful. You just don't do it. You also don't take showers with a 6 year old child, but he did.
Jun 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
When Lee Harvey Oswald got his VISA to travel to Mexico, a CIA agent named William Gaudet was standing in line right in front of him.

The FBI hid this from the Warren Commission.


Gaudet claims it was a "coincidence" - if so why was it hidden from the WC? Image
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about setting up a telnet accessible BBS

File areas to include books, my OKBOMB archive, collections of FOIA dumps, research material Image Do you know what a BBS is & have you ever called/connected to one?
May 31, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Classic Moments in CIA Moron History:

Richard Helms tells a journalist that he immediately checked after 11/22/63 to ask if his own CIA people were involved in the JFK assassination.

Journalist says: "Hmm. Well, why would you do that?"

Hilarious Journo: "You did that in November of 1963?"
Helms: "Of course"
Journo: "Had anyone accused you then? Why did you do that?"
Helms: [realizes he fucked up]
Apr 19, 2023 35 tweets 9 min read
The indictment of Timoty McVeigh--issued August 10, 1995--set the start of the OKBOMB conspiracy at September 13, 1994.

Oddly specific, but did not explain why. The indictment also alleged that McVeigh had conspired--starting in the fall of 1994--with "others unknown." These are two key central facts to the April 19th, 1995 OKC bombing case which are often overlooked.

We'll unpack it here.
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is the way. (MB = Mae Brussell)

I do the same thing: sworn testimony, affidavits, 302 reports and Inserts, court records and journalist work product, defense team investigative product, interviews, manuscripts, letters. You gotta DIG IN. Read and re-read the sources. Find my collection of these materials on OKBOMB here:


Gathered over years from journalists, attorneys, writers, other researchers, FOIA, databases, you name it--then organized by category and put in chronological order.
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Former Oklahoma City police officer Steve Vassar. On 4/19/95, he the Ryder truck in downtown Oklahoma City.

“I’m going to tell you right now,” he said, “as God is my witness, there were two people [in the truck]." Image Vassar says he wrote this account in one of his supplemental reports on the bombing.

Years later, he searched for his reports in the Oklahoma City police department’s computer system.
Apr 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
this was pretty good
(Russian TV miniseries about Leon Trotsky)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trotsky_(… I like watching foreign TV shows:
Anything that is good
Apr 18, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Every year when I file my taxes it asks if I want to donate $1 to something called the "Presidential Election Campaign Fund" -- now it asks you to donate $3 Not long ago it was $19.99 for the lowest-cheapest level basic 1099-EZ type filing

Now it's $35
Apr 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
We will watch Waco: Aftermath so you don't have to.
It's filled with false information start to finish. Don't be disinformed and don't watch unless you've read Roger Charles and J.D. Cash's work. If you have read Wendy Painting's work then you are 5 steps ahead of the average watcher. But still read Roger's book. It has key components to the story.
Feb 25, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
KENNETH TRENTADUE DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF libertarianinstitute.org/documents/GQ_A…
Feb 25, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Here are a 2 articles from GQ magazine about the murder of Kenneth Trentadue written shortly after his murder, by Mary Fischer.

Jesse, Kenneth's brother, told me these are somewhat hard to find now.

I've uploaded them to the Libertarian Institute:

libertarianinstitute.org/documents/GQ_A… Jesse has asked me to post these GQ pieces, along with a trove of other data about his brother's shameful murder at the hands of the FBI, online, to be available in perpetuity for researchers in the event of his death.

Here is the second piece:
Feb 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
"the FBI suspended distributing [OPR reports] for seven months in 2021-2022, due to complaints that the "employees harmed by misconduct" might feel shamed"

justthenews.com/government/fed… "The reports show there were at least 23 cases of agents and Bureau staff driving under the influence (DUI) but only five resulted in termination"
Feb 12, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
The 50+ years of denial and the ops by Richard Doty and his AFOSI and CIA pals were so successful that a massive ship could show up on live TV and today everyone on Twitter would be like "Fake, psyop, not real read Mirage Men"
Doty was a small part of the story Doty was literally in large part deployed merely to protect an NSA communications network at Kirtland
There was some other stuff (UFO Cover Up: LIVE and Linda Moulton Howe) designed to discredit real information
Feb 12, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Jesse Trentadue's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law from his FOIA litigation provide perhaps the best overview of the FBI's byzantine filing system I've ever seen. An FBI FOIA requestor who reads this will know EXACTLY where to direct them to search However, the problem is, the FBI will not do it depending on the subject matter. In his case, for example, FBI did not search ACS's systems ECF, UNI, or ICM nor their ELSUR system for documents. They just didn't do it, even when court ordered.