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Countering the influence of russian propaganda & authoritarianism with tech & behavioral sciences. CEO @OpenMindsInst

May 31, 2023, 7 tweets

Ukraine isn’t the only country that has territorial disputes with Russia. Moreover, our resistance and striving to return our lands is a signal for other countries — don’t hesitate to restore justice🧵

Japan was the first to take action as on March 8, 2022 PM Fumio Kishida addressed Russia regarding the Southern Kuriles islands, referring to them as an "integral part" of Japan. The dispute dates back to 1945 when the Kuriles were occupied by the then USSR, now Russia.

For the past thirty years, Moldova has had territorial claims on the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Moldovan Republic, an enclave established in the East of the country. The authority within this region relies entirely on the presence of 🇷🇺 military forces, deployed there in 1991.

Finnish can claim their right to Karelia, which is a historical Finnish province. The eastern part of this mainly Lutheran area was ceded to Russia after the Winter War of 1939-40. After WW2, the eastern regions of Latvia and Estonia were also annexed by the USSR.

Both Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland may have territorial disputes with Russia over Kaliningrad (Königsberg, Królewiec, Královec). Czechs already stepped on this path, launching the satirical promo campaign #KralovecIsCzechia #MakeKaliningradKralovecAgain

Georgians eagerly await the chance to reclaim Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which were occupied by Russia in 2008. However, with pro-Russian politicians in power now, there is little hope for any meaningful action against Russia, including the imposition of sanctions.

Despite maintaining normal relations and voting for Russia in the UN, China has territorial disputes over several regions. The Republic of Tuva, taken by Russia from China in 1911, could be the one for China and Mongolia to reclaim.

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