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May 31, 2023, 8 tweets

📕AI Guide: Build a Business or Side-Hustle

→Tool: ChatGPT or Google BARD
→Benefit: Financial freedom & no boss

What guide do you want next?

#Bard #ChatGPT #chatgpt4 #Promptshare #Prompt

Here's an example of the results you get

the best part?

→You will be able to customize it to your specific goals, interests & circumstances

Step 1: copy paste this super prompt into your AI

"Please provide a concise plan to build a business or side hustle? Include an H1 bold headline alluding to “How To” achieve the objective, a bold subheading which concisely explains the benefits (in 1 or 2 sentences), and then a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Step 2: copy paste the next super prompt into your AI

"please Create a three-column table with 10 goal-related tasks that help me build a small business or side hustle. In the first column, list the goals. In the second column, provide the information I can provide for each… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

You've created your own full guide with 10 prompts!

Now you can start using each of the 10 prompts.

Tip: Be sure to provide specific information about your circumstances and preferences (This will help the AI provide personalized results)

Here's the result I got from the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Now you start market research


"I'm exploring the [AI social media industry] for my business. My target audience is [tech enthusiasts], my initial research has revealed [people like quality content]. How do I conduct further market research to identify opportunities?"

Next: Your Business Plan

→Prompt: My goals are [$5k monthly]. I plan [free guides on twitter & a newsletter] to reach my audience & I'll [work 6 days a week creating content & guides]. [I will need income in 6 months]. How can I structure & refine my business plan for success?

Ok you've got this:

→Go through each step in your guide & add your specific info

→You can reuse prompts as you grow & need to update your strategy

So how have you used AI for your work/business?

More insights available in our free articles:

easyguide.ai/p/humanoid-ai-… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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