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Jun 1, 2023, 10 tweets

Russian telegram channel Veteran's notes: "The Russian Armed Forces stopped a Ukrainian tank breakthrough in Shebekino. There is a fight"


"Entrance to Shebekino is blocked, local residents report"


Russian telegram channel Two Majors is also reporting tank activity on the Belgorod-Ukrainian border.

Shelling continuous of Shebekino


Governor of Belgorod region says that 5 people have been wounded tonight in Shebekino due to Ukrainian Grad MLRS shelling


#UPDATE - BAZA: There is a battle going on on the border between Russia and Ukraine. Saboteurs attacked the Shebekino checkpoint with the help of tanks.


Russian telegram channel Thirteen: "On the Belgorod border, in Shebekino, a battle is going on, the enemy is working from a tank, trying to break through in the area of ​​​​the border checkpoint"


Both the RDK and Russian volunteer Corps releases video indicating that something is happening in Belgorod region.

1. RVD

Russian channel Two Majors: "There is another battle going on at Shebekino border checkpoint. Their artillery is hammering at our tanks"


Belgorod region's operational headquarters says that there has been no Ukrainian breakthrough even though the situation in the Shebekinsky district is difficult with shelling and battles underway


Local telegram channels in Belgorod are full of people in Shebekino asking to be evacuated. The intensity of the shelling has not been seen before.

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