Hand Missal History Project Profile picture
Independent history project by @NicoFassino. Exploring Catholic history through the untold and forgotten experiences of the laity across the centuries.

Jun 2, 2023, 8 tweets

Thanks to this awesome theme chosen by @USNatArchives, I pulled together a brief thread of neat Catholic maritime historical vignettes

Check it out! ๐Ÿงต

1โƒฃ First Mass on a submerged nuclear sub, 1958


2โƒฃ Rev. John Francis Laboon, SJ appointed as first naval chaplain for a US nuclear missile submarine, 1959


3โƒฃ Christmas Midnight Masses aboard Polaris nuclear submarines, 1962


4โƒฃ 12 American nuns rescued from Japanese-occupied Bougainville by the submarine USS Nautilus, 1943


5โƒฃ Invention of 'Donnelly buoyancy boxes' thought to produce "unsinkable" ships to break German U-boat threat, 1918.


6โƒฃ During "Operation Hideout", the USS Haddock was submerged for 60 days and the crew exposed to high levels of CO2 as a physiological test. A priest boarded via underwater tube every Sunday to say Mass, 1953.


7โƒฃ These Catholic submarine chaplains were stationed at the US Submarine Naval Base in New London, Connecticut (part of the Diocese of Norwich).


Ok, I think that's a wrap on this @USNatArchives #ArchivesHashtagParty. Thanks for following along!

Come back next week for a very special maritime hand missal on #MissalMondays!

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