Christopher Tackett (cjtackett on 🦋 &🧵) Profile picture
Dad, husband, former school board trustee. If you aren’t following @mentack, you are only getting half the story.

Jun 2, 2023, 18 tweets

The ninth and final batch of Texas House scorecards
This release covers T to Z, from James Talarico to Erin Zwiener
Full details on how each Rep voted on all 50 items will be available on in the near future
#SeeItNameItFightIt #txlege

James Talarico (HD50) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 47 times
That's 96%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Carl Tepper (HD84) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 10 times
That's 20%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Shawn Thierry (HD146) earned a "C" rating
With 41 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 32 times
That's 78%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Kronda Thimesch (HD65) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 10 times
That's 21%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Ed Thompson (HD29) earned an "F" rating
With 36 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 7 times
That's 19%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Senfronia Thompson (HD141) earned an "A" rating
With 46 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 42 times
That's 91%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Tony Tinderholt (HD94) earned an "F" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 3 times
That's 6%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Steve Toth (HD15) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 3 times
That's 6%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Ellen Troxclair (HD19) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 7 times
That's 15%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Chris Turner (HD101) earned an "A" rating
With 33 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 47 times
That's 96%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Gary VanDeaver (HD1) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 15 times
That's 30%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Cody Vasut (HD25) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 9 times
That's 18%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Hubert Vo (HD149) earned a "B" rating
With 45 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 37 times
That's 82%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Armando Walle (HD140) earned an "A" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 44 times
That's 94%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Terry Wilson (HD20) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 6 times
That's 13%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Gene Wu (HD137) earned an "A" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 45 times
That's 96%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Erin Zwiener (HD45) earned an "A" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 50 times
That's 100%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

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