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CS Rangarajan, Archaka of Chilkur Balaji Devasthanam, arguing for religious freedom & preserving traditional systems

Jun 4, 2023, 14 tweets

Shri Chilkur Balaji Deity Koorma Form July 18th SC Judgement quotation part of Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute
"In adharma flowing frm wrong decision in a Court of law, one fourth each is attributed to the person committing the adharma, witness, the judges& the ruler"

The #SengolAtParliament reminds us of the practical truth of above statement from the story of Kannagi
The Hon'ble President and Hon'ble MPs who constitute Parliament cannot thus be powerless when Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute is raised to correct through Art 143 ref

Sengol in Parliament does bend when SC violates dharma by infringing on Rama Rajya pious purpose protected in Shri Rama Raja Deity Rights in our Constitutional Rama Rajya and when Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute arises duty of Hon'ble President & Hon'ble MPs to correct

Hon'ble former President in response to the letters from several Hon'ble MPs did refer Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute to officials thus both did their constitutional duty arising from Constitutional Rama Rajya Oath to correct SC violation of Dharma thru Art 143 ref

"The note of humility means the unimportance of the individual & the supreme importance of the unfolding purpose which we are called upon to serve" It is this lack of humility in officials for what Sengol represents that made them ignore guidance to seek Hon'ble former CJI advise

The draft Art 143 reference should have been finalized after securing guidance of Hon'ble former CJI Justice Venkatachaliah ji but this was blocked by wrong opinion of the officials..we explained how Para 12, 13 & 14 has been conveyed strongly to SC

Para 15 question under draft Art 143 reference in Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute wrongly blocked by officials is now crystal clear as the right answer to the question framed is also available through devotion of Tiruppan Alwar Ammal community

We therefore request Hon'ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji who installed Sengol in the Parliament to recognize the error of the officials in blocking Art 143 ref in Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute and ask Hon'ble AG to rectify this u Order 27A Rule 1

Even today the violation of Rama Rajya pious purpose that Sengol represents is remembered for thousands of years every year in the land of Shri Padmanabha in Goddess Kannagi temple can be highlighted by devout people who secured promise of Hon'ble PM

Anyone w basic constitutional gyan will tell that Deities have constitutionally established through Art 363 dispute that SC cannot interpret Constitution saying Deity is not a person u Part III as done in Sabarimala what is left is for Hon'ble AGs to guide

The Sengol that is installed in Parliament is actually bent and will be so till Sabarimala wrong interpretation that Deity is not person u Part III is corrected by having Hon'ble AGs guide SC on the right interpretation secured through devotion of Tiruppan Alwar Ammal community

Many Kingdoms w sovereignty of Deity merged to form Bharat with Constitutional Rama Rajya where Shri Rama Raja Deity Rights preserves Rama Rajya pious purpose that Sengol represents for those who doubt this interpretation have to only look at Pakistan Objectives resolution & comp

"The Gods have a keen desire to be born in sacred land of Bharat" Constituent Assembly sentiment..
Let us acknowledge the victory of dharma in a proper constitutional procedure of Art 363 Constitutional Rama Rajya dispute and get SC interpretation aligned through Hon'ble AGs

Having installed Sengol in Parliament let us work to make it erect for well-being of our Nation by correcting the wrong Sabarimala interpretation that Deity is not a person u Part III which is in violation of Rama Rajya pious purpose that Sengol represents

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