i a r a⁷ 😾 ghost era Profile picture
22. mostly a bts stan account. in my writer era. works under my pinned tweet (messi te amo)

Jun 5, 2023, 16 tweets

a #taejoonkook au where jungkook tries to communicate with ghosts but ends up summoning high demon namjoon instead.

his next-door neighbor taehyung, your friendly neighborhood witch, is understandably concerned

this was inspired by jungkook's live and the fact that i want a taekook neighbors au

wow this is doing numberz... check out my ongoing namkook au in the meantime (it ends today!)

profiles before i start this:

jungkook & jimin (they are besties)

taehyung & namjoon, who for some reason has a twitter account (he's a very hip demon)

the rest are secret 🤫

starting tomorrow probably! after i finish the namkook au

1. hellooo

2. valid concerns

3. tae!





8. so...

9. haha

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