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Inexorable Unsolicited. pro-democracy. (NOT a Dr. or Proff) .'a blood pressure break'. 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

Jun 5, 2023, 17 tweets

This thread is going to be dumb af by proxy

"Maga3X" had a website for volunteers (useful a**holes)

I found this 2016 tweet, which we'll revisit later, and decided to visit the site which was no longer there

In case you've forgotten what MAGA 3x was. Some famous arguably alt right personalities decided to run a volunteer "army"

This army knowingly or unknowingly aided and amplified hostile foreign governments in gaining their objectives with overlap in many areas
(Screenshot 2016)

The mod of another obscure website, early on, published a plan which alleges to show the entire plan by Gisea, Cernovich, Poso, and other "pizzagaters" to run the far right wing campaign known as "Maga3x". An organization that would hold events such as the "deploraball"

The first page of the early missing website for the *airquotes* "movement" boasted of "reward points".

If anyone received any of so called points and would like to tell your story please... the world must know wtf that means

It had an Email that they were happy to field questions from


(I'd like to see the names of the other inboxes)

The second page, (reached by clicking "find out more") boasts a Flash mob meme generator

There are buttons to resources so that you can go outside looking *like that*

The third page, reached by clicking this massive stupid button on the left, is excluded from the normal archive

It's a Dropbox dl link, at ...because of course…

If anyone has that pdf or can confirm whether it's the one from the website release on the animation forum please let me know, thank you.

Rally signs address…

Posters adress…


Flyers and handouts…

Needs login

They began taking contact info at some point between November 2016* and Feb 2017

And so I clicked the November 6th 2020 tab

I forgot about this

Biden bought the KAG domain and used it to point out Trumps broken promises



These 2 websites do not direct to each other

It's likely that they scooped up this "Maga3x" domain with a group and redirected it to Joe's main site

Here is what they did with "Keep America Great" domain :

(Again, LOL)

By late 2017 it appears the site was abandoned by *airquotes* "the movement"

At 2018 midterm* GOP were trending "defy history" and "stop the steal" had been roiling since 2016

"What is coming" is a common mantra with these insecure types but they had moved on

The Qanon movement, coincidentally, *would resume the direction that MAGA3x went that October

I wrote this thread right after the one above

@threadreaderapp unroll

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