Martin || 藤川 Profile picture
23yo. | IT&Ops.Sup., Translator, Fansubber | 無職転生 • ラブコメ • 百合 • Character driven drama enthusiast

Jun 5, 2023, 53 tweets

Nagatoro Ch. 130 is out. Live tweeting in this thread 🧵 (already read it, wrote my reaction on discord bc i was locked so just a copy of the reaction)

one of the only sour/mid chapters in a long time. After 40ch of peak this was 7/10

@ImAccu you are naga fan too

oh fuck.
if Naga wins, Orihara's childhood dream, everything she worked for the gold medal will be nothing....

Hayase loss foreshadowing?

Nanashi is cooking


oh the shitfuckery

i know its teasing but even bringing up NTR makes my mouth sour

Not with the NTR esque lines agaiiiin

okay my man is winning

well not YET. but i guess its better the tell the truth than boast about having one

I will kiss myself I will kiss myself I will kiss myself
ntr esque lines again? ESCAPE ESCAPE

waiting for next page is insane



i will kiss myself. Nanashi i hate you. Dont do this to me. Chad this shit up Naoto. you better


bf claimed, is it safe tho?

is it safe tho???

dont make me lost all the trust i put into you senpai
ntr esque lines are killing my soul

do this you fucker , do it "I will not let you have her" "she is mine" something

dont make her sad, precious maiden.
you still have 6 page to fix the fumble

6 6 6 66 6 6 66 6666

aaaa serious moment interupted by 3rd party

kiss myself

i hate this girl. Ruined Naoto's redemption for this chapter

"welcome to the classroom of the elite" ???

I hope you get last place on the mock exam and shut the fuck up, you'll never be Sana. Fuck u machida

throw away???? are u RETARDED????

i hate this character nanashi wrote her as bad as it gets


fucking hell man.

dont ruin the good image i have of you.

yep thanks.
not the 'redemption ' i wanted but good enough

#nevergiveup #neverlosing

SAVE IT. say more!!!

1 more page. Editor-san i hate you. Naoto you better save the chapter


"I will not throw away everything, and i will win against you" is this chapters conclusion


first mid/sour chapter after 40 chapters of back to back 10/10 peak

chaos of a chapter, for first read i didnt liked it at all
but after hours of marinating i have cracked it

live reaction graph:

[Ch 130 - End]
[Ch 131:: 06,19]

5 ch remaining for enough ch for S3. Hopefully the exam will conclude until then

this chapter kinda feels off,i think this is only the half of the story + it was cliffhanger. We kinda need a new the judge it properly but this was mid.

Fumble from both sides, none of it is redeemed properly by ch end. Naoto barely only

this was a sour as fuck chapter but i agree. The only conclusion we got was "I won't give up everything, i will win against you" and that don't really fixed the fumble and its a mid chapter conclusion

NTR esque lines killed my soul, there were a lot of it during this chapter. Made me so angry and added to my already sour feelings

its building up with fast pace to the ultimate final battle. Naga Losing but Naoto still confesses.

Thats has a high possibility

Naga will lose, but Naoto still confesses to her, kisses her and make her realise that their love isnt dependent on the "exam"
its just dependent on love

When Orihara said that Judo is basically all she has, and everything she worked for — there is no way Nagatoro will win.

Naga realised that ORihara"s stake is 'being olympist' her stack is 'getting a bf' so the push in them isnt the same

Naga even was a bit sad when she heard that Orihara will give her everything, and this exam means her everything.

and if Naga wins it ruins her childhood dreams, and everything Orihara worked for
so imo she will lose and cry, but Naoto comforts her with confession/kiss

she have to lose basically

i know the manga wanna build up adrenalin and high stackes for the fight but this face that Hayase made when she realised she would ruin orihara's dream if she won -- kinda gave away that she will likely loose

Yes the chapter was a little on the sour side, but there cant always be peak chapters back to back. Like we had for 40+ chapters

Of course Orihara isn't slacking around and so is Machida. I hope this also helps them to realize they dont have to be on top of the top to just achieve their goals.

Machdi has definitely realized there is something going on between Nagatoro and Senpai, that's one reason why she spoke up at the end. But in the end they all are inexperienced (probably) teenagers.

While Senpai got confident now with Nagatoro, that doesn't mean he isn't introvert/shy anymore. He is still fast to befriend the others of the Cram-School. THAT doesn't mean he wouldn't be reserved anymore.

He is just honest and a little naive, so he's not walking around "Hey thats my Girlfriend" or "I love her" or whatever.

Talking about their Goals again. This ist still the worst part in my opinion. Everything is build around this "I must win to do X" situation

I disliked it already in Chapter 124 and i will die on this hill. I think its just some unnecessary hurdle they put up for themselves and as deeper this shit goes, as worse this feels to get out of in the end, no matter of the result.

its a good motivation but will get bad imo

we got to see why Oriharas relentless about being a Judo champion, we got to see Naoto build an actual friendship and even get his first nickname, we got to see Everyone’s perspective on Hayase and Naoto’s relationship and we got to see an actual saddened Nagatoro.

his was a buildup chapter showing Nagatoro's insecurities:
Oihara is determined to be the very best in her field and Nagatoro feels kinda bad that she isn't as passionate as her

Then we have the same situation with Senpai and his rival
But senpai just says "yeah, no I am not only focussing on this. But I'll still beat you"

he is not as insecure anymore, he is actually more determined as never before

Huuuugh. That was long sorry. Gotta write it out of myself.

Until we meet again on the 19th, this month.

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