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Jun 5, 2023, 6 tweets


ATTORNEY 1: We would like to make an offer on behalf of our client, Mr Trump, that he pleads to one misdemeanor without prison time?

JACK SMITH: Thank you Mr Trusty, we are no longer considering that option

ATTORNEY 1: So you had already considered it?


JACK SMITH: Yes, but we no longer are actively considering this possibility

ATTORNEY 1: How did you arrive to that conclusion

JACK SMITH: Your previous colleague, Christina Bobb suggested that to us. We considered it but rejected it. She has since turned state's evidence

ATTORNEY 1: In that case, if I can amend our proposal, I would suggest my client could plead no contest to one charge of a felony, but only probation, no prison time?

JACK SMITH: We are no longer considering that option

ATTORNEY: Oh, damn. Why?

JACK SMITH: Your previous...

JACK SMITH: ..your previous colleague, Evan Corcoran suggested that. We considered it but rejected it. He has since turned state's evidence

ATTORNEY 1: Damn? Sorry about that. Well, what if our client pleads guilty to one charge of felony, and is given house arrest, no prison?

JACK SMITH: We are no longer considering that option

ATTORNEY 1: Shit! Why?

JACK SMITH: Your previous colleague, Tim Parlatore suggested it. We considered it, but rejected it. He has since turned state's evidence

ATTORNEY 2: Fuck! Can I confess?

ATTORNEY 1: Shut the fuck up

ATTORNEY 3: No, I want to confess. Those two did it! I was not part of this

ATTORNEY 1: You fucking rats!

JACK SMITH: I am not here to bargain. Your proposals are no longer actively considered. Was that all? I am quite busy with a lot of paperwork on an indictment. Good day

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