Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jun 6, 2023, 10 tweets


So Trump attorneys led by Trusty McTrustface tried to beg that Jack Smith not indict Trump. They failed. Trump learned yesterday he'll be arrested & go to prison. He's freaking out. This is good of course

So what do we know about Espionage-A-Lago?

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We know there was search with warrant of Mar-A-Lago & FBI recovered 101 classified documents. Later we learned Trump actually had stolen 325 classified documents (at least) from White House. That is 1,625 years of prison at JUST the legal mandatory minimum

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We found out that Trump court jester Christina Bobblehead signed a letter promising FBI there were no more documents at Mar-A-Lago. This was before the FBI raid. So she lied to FBI

Bobb has since flipped & quit Trump & ratted out all the Trumpomobsters

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We found out that Trump's lead attorney in classified docs case, Evan Corcoran, who joined his legal team only in 2022, wrote that letter lying to FBI. Evan met with Jack Smith, was scared to death, quit Trump and has flipped against the Trumpomobsters

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We learned that Tim Parlatore, Trump's lead attorney for all his court cases for at least past 5 years, met with Jack Smith, was scared to death, and promptly quit Trump and has flipped against the Trumpomobsters

Trump is out of competent representation

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So now, his latest legal clown, Trusty McTrustface took two court jesters to be named later with him to meet Jack Smith begging that Trump won't be indicted. He failed. And 5 min after they left Jack Smith's office, Trump freaked out, that he will be arrested

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Can Trump try to argue he had declassified the documents, or he had a right to keep them, or some law protected him. He could. Except we found out, Jack Smith has a recording from summer 2021 where Trump admits he holds secret documents illegally.

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Could Trump try to blame it on crooked staff or crooked lawyers. Sure. But Jack Smith has evidence Trump organized the flooding of the video surveillance room at Mar-A-Lago, in an attempt to destroy evidence proving his hiding of classified documents

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On the obstruction of justice, for the 101 last classified docus, and Trump flooding the video room, that is 20 years per document. You can add 2,020 years on top of the 1,625 years we had earlier = 3,645 years

I think it's fair to say Trump is screwed. Bigly

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There is VERY MUCH MORE on just Espionage-A-Lago, before we even start to consider the much bigger criminal conspiracy, largest crime in FBI history = Jan 6th

And those are just 2 of FIFTY-SEVEN criminal cases Trump will face in court (& found guilty on all)

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