Sviatoslav Hnizdovskyi Profile picture
Founder & CEO @openmindsglobal. On a mission to outpace authoritarian regimes in the arms race of informational warfare.

Jun 7, 2023, 5 tweets

Russian propaganda uses history as the instrument of the war. It aims to emphasize the historical ties between Ukraine and Russia. Russia highlights its connection with Kyivan Rus', portraying the latter as a "common ancestral state" of Russia and Ukraine.

Russia used this historical manipulation for centuries, trying to create a myth of its great ancestry. The name "Russia" was appropriated to create a connection with the Kyivan Rus’, despite that there were no nations in a modern sense a thousand years ago. They evolved later, as……

The propagandistic narrative evolved stronger after 2014 trying to completely remove Ukraine from its own historical identity. "Kyivan Rus" has been replaced with "Ancient Rus" or "Rus" in Russian info space. Moreover, Putin himself attempted to belittle Kyiv's significance as……

Propaganda uses historical figures like Prince Volodymyr the Great, who ruled Kyivan Rus' and baptized it, as part of a common Russian historical heritage. This diminishes Ukraine's cultural identity, reinforcing a "cultural kinship" while undermining Ukraine's sovereignty.

By discrediting 🇺🇦 historical legitimacy, Russian propaganda seeks to justify its occupation of Ukrainian lands. It aims to deprive Ukraine of its right to sovereignty and reinforce the perception that Russia has a rightful claim over Ukrainian territories. #StopRussianPropaganda

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