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Your Compass in the Avalanche Universe: Comprehensive Data, Effortless Exploration – Avascan, the Google of Avalanche

Jun 7, 2023, 10 tweets

🔥Introducing Avascan's **Network Activity Page**!

This new page offers insights into the blockchain ecosystem's health and activity levels.

Here's 8 reason to use AVASCAN and why it may can help you to DYOR (do your own research)!

➡️ avascan.info/stats/network-…

#Avalanche #AVAX

1️⃣ Daily Transactions: Stay informed about the number of transactions processed on the Avalanche network each day. Track the growth and activity levels.

2️⃣ Block Count: Discover the daily block count, indicating the speed and efficiency of the network. Monitor the blockchain's progress and stability.

3️⃣ Active Addresses: Get insights into the number of unique addresses actively participating in transactions on Avalanche. Gauge user engagement and network utilization.

4️⃣ Daily Gas Usage: Explore the daily gas consumption on the network. Understand the resource utilization and efficiency of smart contract execution.

5️⃣ Transaction History: Access the detailed history of transactions on Avalanche. Filter and search for specific transactions to analyze patterns and trends.

6️⃣ Top Validators: Identify the top validators contributing to the security and consensus of the Avalanche network. Learn about their performance and participation.

7️⃣ Delegators: Discover the delegators supporting validators on the network. Gain insights into the network's staking dynamics and community participation.

8️⃣ Asset Overview: Explore a comprehensive overview of assets on the Avalanche network. Get information about token supply, transfers, and more.

🌐 Dive into the network activity on Avalanche with Avascan's Network Activity page.

Stay informed, track trends, and monitor the health of the blockchain ecosystem.

➡️ avascan.info/stats/network-…

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