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Passionate Prince enthusiast | Music aficionado | Advocate for meaningful connections | Artists Supporter | Nostalgic storyteller 💕💚 🎨 Copilot AI Generated

Jun 7, 2023, 8 tweets

On our way to HQ! #PrinceCelebration2023

I'll take the nod, lol. "17 days..."🎵🎶

Wheels up! Going to binge some #AmericanBornChinese episodes (an AMAZING series on Disney+ btw). We'll see what MSP has for us when we get there! 💜

Nice touch! Around the airport welcoming us! 💜 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Merch updates in the store at the airport.


What was in the VIP Pearl packet

Got my pizza. 💜

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