Sandeep | AggLayer 👿 Profile picture
Serving @0xPolygon Builders, Founder @0xPolygon & @cryptorelief_ . I freely retweet Polygon ecosystem projects. Retweets/Profile PFPs are not endorsements.

Jun 7, 2023, 7 tweets

I am excited about the convergence of AI, ZK tech, and mobile.
1. AI is transforming every industry.
2. ZK tech will secure the data and scale the trustless computation of business logic
3. Web3 builders can realize the applications on mobile devices that billions use

The @0xPolygon ecosystem has been charting the future of Polygon - We'll thrive at the intersection of AI, Zero Knowledge, and Mobile technology to empower future builders #onPolygon

Mobile is web3's biggest frontier to capture. Our builders are working on embedding blockchain:
From the core mobile OS to tools/middleware,
To empowering developers to ship mobile-native dApps,
To building dApp Stores for global distribution.

For example : dApp Store Kit by @MerokuStore: an open-source SDK that powers curated mobile dApp stores - and has already seen 1,200+ dApps registered 🔥

Ecosystem projects such as @thirdweb @0xsequence @Covalent_HQ @graphprotocol @AlchemyPlatform are cooking up the developer and onchain tools on top of #zkEVM with our community to empower new uses. Builders will be blown away by what comes next.
Check out:…

Ecosystem projects such as @LayerEhq @airstack_xyz @unstoppableweb are embedding AI models into the Polygon ecosystem to power a new AI LLM to be the copilot for devs everywhere 👇🏽

The future is being built #onPolygon. Come build with us!

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