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Jun 7, 2023, 24 tweets

#ONEPIECE1086 Theory

It's Not An 'Ancient' Weapon Anymore


This chapter has revealed more details about the weapon that was used to destroy Lulusia.

According to Imu it was created by Vegapunk and it is called, 'The Mother Flame.'


Sabo states that no living creature of natural disaster could have caused the destruction of the Lulusia kingdom.

All that could be seen was an enormous shadow engulfing the sky.


Ivankov declares that if this is true, then there's only one person who could create such a weapon, Vegapunk.

Dragon protests by saying that Vegapunk never created killing weapons & Ivankov puts in that this must mean it was one of the Ancient Weapons?

What is the truth? Is this one of the Ancient Weapons or is it Vegapunk's own invention?

The truth is that it is both.

Allow me to explain.

Back in chapter 1066, Vegapunk revealed that he was once friends with Professor Clover of Ohara and took great interest in the discoveries of the great scholar.

Following the massacre of Ohara, Vegapunk visited the island to pay tribute and managed to track down the lost books.

Ever since then, Vegapunk has been continuing Ohara's research in secret. This is the key to discovering the truth.

If we go back further in time, to before the massacre of Ohara took place, we can remember why it was that the investigation of Ohara even began in the first place.

Olivia was captured and her research time killed because Ohara was accused of trying to obtain an ancient weapon.

Cipher Pol was sent to carry out an investigation of Ohara as the scholars stood accused of attempting to bring about the destruction of the world.

It was here that Cipher Pol confronted Olivia and the illegal research on the Ponelgyph was used as evidence of guilt.

This was how the Buster Call on Ohara began. Saul, Aokiji, Akainu and two other unknown vice admirals were deployed to lead the investigation.

Saul protested this action and ended up deserting the Navy and freeing Olivia from her cells.

"There ultimate objective is to create a powerful weapon based on their research."

"What the government fears is the weapon itself."

But which weapon?

We can rule out Poseidon, not only because we already know Poseidon's power is to control the Sea Kings, but because the Poneglyph revealing Poseidon's location was lost in Shandora for centuries.

It is highly unlikely that Clover or Olivia were able to discover this Poneglyph.

Naturally then, our next thought is that it must be Pluton but this is met with similar problems.

Pluton has been sealed in Wano for centuries and the corresponding Poneglyph has been hidden in Alabasta's royal crypt.

This makes it seem equally unlikely that it was Pluton.

However. There is one loop hole concerning Pluton, the blueprints that were possessed by Iceberg.

These blueprints had been kept by Tom's family for generations to protect the secret design of the great battleship, Pluton. Said to be able to erase islands in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately it seems that these blueprints were destroyed by Franky when CP9 attempted to obtain them.

The Pluton connect comes to an apparent dead end.

If all of this is taken at face value, then leaves only one possibility. If it was not possible for Clover, Olivia and Ohara to have obtained the information on Poseidon or Pluton, then that only leaves the last of the three, Uranus.

As Clover declared the truth about the Ancient Kingdom that the World Government were trying to cover up, he states that they were only using the danger of the Ancient Weapon as an excuse to supress the truth.

"I see ... That's a bold hypothesis." - Was the response from Saturn.

Is it just a coincidence that Saturn was the one to say this? Or is there a reason Oda had him speak on this matter.

Saint. Jay Garcia Saturn is known as the Warrior God of Defensive Science.

Now the truth begins to take shape.


The massacre of Ohara was followed shortly after by a visit from Vegapunk and Dragon. At this point, Vegapunk had already been captured and begun working for the World Government.

Since then, Vegapunk has continued Ohara's research and discovered the Ancient Kingdom's technology

This would mean that Vegapunk was coopeted by the World Government in to recreating the Ancient Weapon, Uranus.

But didn't Dragon say that Vegapunk never intentionally designed a killing machine?

Unfortunately that's not quite true at all.

Back during the time skip, Franky landed at Vegapunk's home island, Karakuri. Here he discovered the house Vegapunk was born in & his first lab.

It wasn't until Franky accidentally blew up this lab that a secret 2nd one was revealed. This one full of weapon designs.

Whether or not Vegapunk claims to uphold that his science is all in the pursuit of peace, the truth is that he's been creating weapons all his life.

Vegapunk created the weapons technology, the Pacifistas, the Seraphim, artificial Devil Fruits and countless more besides.

Vegapunk used Ohara's research to recreate the Ancient Weapon: Uranus!?

I believe that this may be the truth. The great guilt of the mad scientist, Dr Vegapunk.

An Ancient Weapon made new.

That's all I've got for this one. Thank you for reading 🙏

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