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'The plural of anecdote is data' —George Stigler, Nobel Prize in Economics | ぴん ぴん ころり—Pin Pin Korori —'healthy until you drop dead' | Consult @ZeroAcreFarms

Jun 8, 2023, 7 tweets

1/ Moving the needle on what causes obesity.

(This is a very dense paper.)

It blows a large hole in the CICO story. "Eat less, move more" is a problem when your body turns down the thermostat.

You can't "move more" (AEE) enough.

2/ What they found is that we have seen a decline in human metabolism over the last few decades, despite an INCREASE in activity.

This is paralleled by a decline in body temperature (!).


3/ What caused it? It's not carbohydrate, it's not protein...

It's the fat. Specifically, the shift from saturated to unsaturated fat over the last many decades.

4/ "This suggests that alterations in the intake of saturated relative to unsaturated fat over the past 100 years may have contributed to the decline in BEE reported here, although... further studies in humans are required."

5/ Pretty remarkable finding, from world-class researchers and a world-class database.

6/ There are a few things I disagree with in this paper, but I'll just quote from one of their refs, 36:

“...These studies suggest that the n-6/n-3 ratio per se is an important modulator for white-to-beige thermogenic conversion through oxygenated lipid mediators (oxylipins)..."

7/7. I can live with that. The needle doesn't get moved all the way in one paper. Read the whole thing. (Some nuance omitted here!) Thanks to


for allowing me to make my case. It was an honor.



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