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Contrarian. 2 startup exits. 100mil $ Family Office Portfolio. 3x Dad. Ex-MD. Ex-pro-athlete. "Spend your time wisely... you don't know the remaining balance!"

Jun 9, 2023, 8 tweets

1/7 🎉🚀 Celebrating @cakedefi's 4 anniversary, let's take a trip down memory lane! Back in 2019, @uzyn and I met for a casual catch-up that led to the birth of #CakeDeFi. #FoundingStory cakedefi.com

2/7 🧠💡 It all started with U-Zyn's foresight in how crypto would develop: He believed that the crypto community would soon shift from just trading to generating cash flow from their assets. His insight immediately resonated with me.

3/7 😄🍰 Choosing the name "Cake DeFi" was a deliberate decision. We wanted our company to not only excel but also to bring a smile to people's faces. Plus, there was no other business named "Cake" in Singapore - perfect for us to stand out!

4/7 🚀🧑‍🚀 In Q2 2019, we started building our team. I still remember the excitement and anticipation we felt as we embarked on this journey together. We defined 7 team principles that all of us would have to adhere to. #Team

5/7 💻🌐 We then launched our website, cakedefi.com. It was a proud moment for us, seeing our vision take a concrete form. Our first service? A crypto staking service. We wanted to provide a platform where people could truly benefit from their crypto assets.

6/7 🎁🔒 The key for us was to have easy UX, attractive returns, but most of all: #transparency! These product principles made us win, especially in 2022, when so many others went bankrupt.

7/7 🙏❤️ Here we are today, thanks to your support. Our journey has been incredible so far, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for #CakeDeFi! Stay tuned for more exciting updates. #ThankYou #CryptoCommunity

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