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Jun 9, 2023, 6 tweets

Cave Houses: Minecraft Style – a collab by @WorldEverett and me, inspired by our love for interior design and Minecraft's architectural creativity.

Our hope is that you all find as much enjoyment in exploring this concept as we did in creating it.

#AIart #midjourney

The Entrance

Every cave needs an epic entrance.

I am not ashamed to say that I envy Everett's take here...

The Bathroom

Everett opted for a futuristic neon style that looks positively otherworldly!

In contrast, I chose a more "realistic" approach to add some variety to his futuristic flair.

The Kitchen

I chose an open-concept kitchen design that lets the moonlight stream in, creating an ambiance I find incredibly captivating.

While Everett dove deeper into the cave concept.

The Bedroom

Again with the open concept, might need a mosquito net tho...

Meanwhile, Everett's bedroom is even deeper in the caves, you can even see water through the glass window!

I love working with Everett, it's always a pleasure to see him create beautiful interior design images.

This is but one of many future collaborations I hope.

Show's in the replies your take on Minecraft interior design👇

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