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Jun 10, 2023, 12 tweets

[1/11]🧵 The Power of Using Specific Colors in Your Art
Do you know how colors can affect your mood and your art? I made this short guide for AI artists

Continue reading to learn tips on how to use specific colors in your AI art with #Midjourney to evoke strong moods and emotion…

[2/11] First of all, let’s talk about red. Red is the color of fire, blood and passion. It can make your AI art look fierce, energetic and exciting. But be careful, too much red can also make your art look angry, violent or dangerous. Use it wisely

[3/11] Next up, we have orange. Orange is the color of sunshine, creativity and happiness. It can make your AI art look warm, cheerful and playful. It’s a great color to use when you want to brighten up someone’s day or express your enthusiasm.

[4/11] Yellow is the color of joy, optimism and brightness. It can make your AI art look radiant, uplifting and cheerful. It’s a great color to use when you want to spread some positivity or show your confidence.

[5/11] Green is the color of nature, growth and harmony. It can make your AI art look soothing, calming and relaxing. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a peaceful atmosphere or show your appreciation for the environment.

[6/11] Blue is the color of calmness, tranquility and trust. It can make your AI art look serene, elegant and peaceful. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of stability or show your intelligence.

[7/11] Purple is the color of royalty, luxury and mystery. It can make your AI art look sophisticated, imaginative and intriguing. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of wonder or show your spirituality.

[8/11] Pink is the color of love, romance and sweetness. It can make your AI art look cute, charming and tender. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of affection

[9/11] Brown is the color of earthiness, stability and comfort. It can make your AI art look cozy, warm and natural. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of security or show your reliability.

[10/11] Black is the color of power, elegance and mystery. It can make your AI art look sleek, stylish and dramatic. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of contrast or show your sophistication.

[11/11] Finally, we have white. White is the color of purity, simplicity and clarity. It can make your AI art look clean, crisp and minimalistic. It’s a great color to use when you want to create a sense of space or show your innocence.

That’s it! I hope you learned something new today about how colors can influence your mood and your art. Feel free to share your own examples of AI art using different colors with everyone below. I’d love to see them. Thanks for reading!😊 please retweet & follow me @RoadtripSlim

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