Morgan Slimak Profile picture
Sharing prompts & guides with my Twitter friends 🎨 🖍️ AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI Midjourney & more.
Jun 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵[1/8] How to Create Realistic Motion and Movement in Your Midjourney images

With the right prompt and parameters you can create a real sense of motion in your art

Here's my #midjourney guide on how to simulate movement 🎬

Please like and retweet if you find this helpful… Midjourney: A car racing on... [2/8] The first step is to choose a subject that implies or suggests movement.

Use words that indicate the direction, speed, & intensity of the movement.

For example, I wrote “A bird flying fast and high in the sky”, because I wanted to create a sense of speed and freedom. A bird flying fast and high...
Jun 10, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
[1/11]🧵 The Power of Using Specific Colors in Your Art
Do you know how colors can affect your mood and your art? I made this short guide for AI artists

Continue reading to learn tips on how to use specific colors in your AI art with #Midjourney to evoke strong moods and emotion… Midjourney: award winning n... [2/11] First of all, let’s talk about red. Red is the color of fire, blood and passion. It can make your AI art look fierce, energetic and exciting. But be careful, too much red can also make your art look angry, violent or dangerous. Use it wisely Midjourney: award winning n...