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Sports Writer, Publisher, Entrepreneur⚡️ 1 Billion Views on YouTube (NBA & NFL)

Jun 11, 2023, 6 tweets

This NBA Legend had a secret talent you probably didn't know about...

Here's The Story:

Kobe was a master of many things:

- Mental toughness

- Athletic dominance


And he even learned...

To play the piano

Now we’ve all seen the guy who impresses the party with a quick tune

This is actually what Kobe wanted to do

Except like almost everything, Kobe was different

Instead of learning something like “Mary Had A Little Lamb” like all beginners do...

Kobe went straight to Beethoven

Instead of taking lessons, he learned it entirely by ear

Kobe told Complex:

“Sitting down and taking lessons would be too easy”

“There’s not much out there you can’t figure out eventually”

Kobe strapped on headphones and put “Moonlight Sonata” on loop...

Until he nailed it

But Kobe didn’t want exactly to impress a party...

He spent countless hours learning as a gift to his wife Vanessa

RIP to one of the greatest basketball players and competitors to ever live #mambamentality

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