Swati Goel Sharma Profile picture
Journalist. Activist. Leading @AgniSamaj, @sewanyaya. Founder @GemsofBollywood. Ex-@httweets, @timesofindia. Contact: swati@agnisamaj.com

Jun 12, 2023, 9 tweets

We all know that after demolishing the colony of poor #PakistaniHindu refugees, Jaisalmer administration in Rajasthan gave them 40 bigha land to resettle amid much chest-thumping

But do we know the ground reality?

Our @sewanyaya team visited the spot two days ago. A thread:

Tha land is uneven, full of pits and ditches. There is no road, no water, no resources to build houses.

Land is such they cannot build a shelter using bamboo and tarpaulin as they do in other places

Majju Ram says discarded like a burden by admin

Do watch both the video’s twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Residents scared that children might fall in the ditch while playing as plot is on a rocky hill

As land is isolated, heavy winds flow. Structures of wooden poles and tarpaulin cannot withstand the pressure.


Many are living like this, under tilted cots, praying the harsh weather would protect them.
Some are building shelters out of rocks and bricks sourced from site of demolition.

Children developing rashes and skin problems due to the heat. Temperatures are crossing 40 degrees and it will worsen in coming weeks

The first thing our team @MBhosaleSpeaks of @sewanyaya did was to get stable thick cement sheets for sheltering all houses.
This was specifically and earnestly requests by residents.

So proud of Mayur toiling away in this heat for crucial sewa work

Next, we got water tanks to suffice for all families.

Water tanks are a boon for them as there is no access to direct water. They must store water that is made available through tankers. They were finding the tanks too expensive to afford

Watch the heartwarming video!

Our work at the camp continues. I sincerely thank all supporters of @sewanyaya, which is run by @SanjeevSanskrit and me, who enable us to do this crucial sewa for those who come to India as it’s their only homeland.

To support us:

Concluding this thread with visuals of a watermelon party at the camp. You may check out @sewanyaya account for more updates.

My ashirwad to @MBhosaleSpeaks for his hard work and sensitivity. He has an exam tomorrow and I wish him all the best!

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