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100x Hunting & Smart Money Tracking. (not financial advice)

Jun 12, 2023, 8 tweets

Almost $1M trading volume in 24hrs

-98% in just 3 hours.

Here an easy ways to check tokens for red flags using @bubblemaps

Let's investigate 🧵

In this thread we’re going to be using @bubblemaps

I’ll be showing you:

How to spot token distribution red flags.

I found a trending token on @dexscreener that had almost $1M in transactions $POV

A few hours later it dropped by 98%.

This would have been very easy to avoid.

1️⃣ How to spot token distribution red flags using @bubblemaps

I headed over to @bubblemaps and analyse the token distribution and transaction trails.

- Copy token contract address from @dexscreener

- Head to @bubblemaps and paste it

We can now view all the holders of $POV

By the looks of this distribution, a few interconnected wallets account for 13% of the the supply.

17/20 top holders have all interacted with each other 🚩.

That tells us these wallets are most likely controlled by the same group on individuals.

And are capable of dumping.

This is what a healthier token distribution and transaction trail looks like.

The first 2 holders account for a large % of the supply. But they’re exchanges holding user funds so it’s fine.

They don’t belong to a single individual or small group.

Everything is this thread is my personal view.

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