Daniel of Bohemia 🇨🇿 Profile picture
I'm writing mostly about development and modernization of Czech Armed Forces (AČR), Czech military history, Czech defence industry and CEE security. We are NATO

Jun 12, 2023, 19 tweets

Czech Titus 6x6 wheeled armored vehicles. What they are, why they are and what will they do in context of Czech Armed Forces 🇨🇿. THREAD


Titus was developed as a joint project between #french 🇫🇷 @Nexter_Group and #Czech 🇨🇿 Tatra Defence Vehicle (TDV). Its build on Tatra 815-7 Force chassis, have protection of NATO Stanag lvl 2-4 and modern architecture.


In 2019, Czech MoD ordered 62 Titus 6x6 in three modifications. 20 MKPP (fire support coordination), 36 KOVS (signals) and 6 pieces of KOVVŠ (command staff) for little over 6 bln CZK (260 million Euro). First have already arrived. All 62 will be delivered 2023-2024


All these machines are build domestically by Tatra Defence Vehicle. They have NATO STANAG 4569 level 3 ballistic and level 3a/3b antimine protection, EW systems, radio initiated explosives jammers made by czech URC Systems, advanced communication equipment and more.


Its signals hardware and software equipment is capable of data transfer and both unsecured and secured (up to NATO SECRET) voice and data connection in VKS, UKV, KV and Satcom (satellite communication).


Meaning that Titus is able to send and receive secured information All versions will be used on tactical level (battalion/regiment/brigade) and big focus was put on interoperability with NATO allies in situation of multinational operations, so Titus can provide C2 also there


So. KOVS and KOVVŠ versions are for high-end automated C2 from battalion up to brigade level and MKPP is for C2 of artillery units from brigade down to battery level. It will both coordinate and control fire support. This is big step for "new generation signals project"


Back to Czech Titus itself. All these high end systems are integrated by Czech Retia company. Titus is also using advanced #polish 🇵🇱 #fonet digital comm platform made by @WBGroup_PL for C4I. Architecture of Titus is really unique and provides good solution for the task


As you could see, these versions of Titus have crew of 4. 1 driver plus 3 operators (MKPP has crew of 5, 4+1), every one with his own digitalized workstation.

It shoudl be no surprise that all 62 Titus will come with Czech multispectral camo nets


Now about mobility. Titus is powered by strong Cummins ISM engine and thanks to Tatra chassis it shows great offroad mobility (slightly better than traditional 8x8 IFVs/APCs). It has max speed of 90 km/h and range of 800 km with full fuel tank


So 62 were ordered as of now and they will replace old platforms in service of AČR. Greatly enhancing C2 and fire support capabilities of Czech forces not inly inside of Czech Army, but also as a part of NATO thanks to interoperability. Still 62 wont be enough...


So by 2025-2027 another batch is planned for about 3 billions CZK, meaning about 30 more vehicles will be bought (maybe more in the end). To replace all old C2 platforms not only in artillery and combat units, but also CSS and rest of CS units (engineers, logistics, etc)


Meaning that Titus will become main pillar command and control platform (and fire support coordination and C2 platform) of Czech Armed Forces for next decades. Highly capable, domestic, build for the task and using solutions that will still make it relevant in the future.


As of now, more versions of Titus are being developed, such as Ambulance, APC (with 20mm cannon and 10 soldiers dismount), engineer mobility platform, service vehicle, logistic vehicle or self propelled mortar (that one is unlikely for fielding)


Titus is already using same chassis like Czech logistics Tatra 815-7 (4x4 cisterns, 6x6 flatbed and 8x8 multilift), EW, artillery, air-defence and future engineering vehicles, but this could add another level of unification. Also TDV is registering several foreign interests


So Titus is the future and together with other new platforms (in smaller numbers) like Pandur II KOVVŠ and KOVS it will provide complex C2 for Czech Armed Forces on its own, or as part of multinational force


Not to forget. All Tituses will also be equipped with 7,62 RCWS

Another good thing, is that both front and rear axles are steerable

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