Pan Lu Profile picture
Postdoc @Stanford | PhD @CS_UCLA @uclanlp | Amazon/Bloomberg/Qualcomm Fellows | Ex @Tsinghua_Uni @Microsoft @allen_ai | ML/NLP: Math Reasoning, AI4Science, LLMs

Jun 12, 2023, 7 tweets

πŸŽ‰Exciting news: LLaMA-Adapter is now fully unlocked! 🧡6

1⃣ As a general-purpose #multimodal foundation model, it integrates various inputs like images, audio, text, video, and 3D point clouds, while providing image, text-based, and detection outputs. It uniquely accepts the……

🧡1/6 Experience the magic of LLaMA-Adapter! Transforming real-world inputs like text, images, videos, audio, and 3D point clouds into engaging text. The reality you know, reimagined through AI.
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🧡2/6 LLaMA-Adapter goes beyond creating text! It's also capable of generating detection results, bringing a new dimension to understanding and interacting with the world.
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🧡3/6 Meet the wizardry of LLaMA-Adapter! From 3D point clouds or audio, it can conjure up a vivid and stunning visual world 🎨🌍. It's more than data processing - it's creating art from raw inputs.
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🧡4/6 Emulating human interaction, LLaMA-Adapter listens to sounds 🎧, watches videos πŸ“½οΈ, and generates text πŸ“, thus fostering a deeper connection with the world 🌍. A leap forward in AI communication!
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🧡5/6 Even more astonishingly, given just a 3D point cloud and background audio, the LLaMA-Adapter can reconstruct a mirror image of the real world. A breakthrough in immersive experiences!
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🧡6/6 Empowered by @LangChainAI, LLaMA-Adapter not only communicates with humans but also unlocks limitless potential in AI interactions.

For a sneak peek into its capabilities, explore our Jupyter Notebook demo:…
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