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Jun 13, 2023, 6 tweets

1/ Assam State Museum has 13,802 objects and out of which 1,621 are displayed. @himantabiswa sir if you can get these #Archaeological objects scanned, it will be a great boon for Assam Heritage and Tourism.…

@himantabiswa 2/ This represent a beautiful female figure standing in tribhanga posture against a plain damaged back ground.
11th Century
Pic 1 : restored with Photoshop
Pic 2 : Poor Quality Government site NMMA
@himantabiswa you need to focus here boss.
#Assam #Archaeology

3/ Pic 1 : NMMA with description as Dancing Girls.
Pic 2 : restored image
#Assam #Archaeology

4/ Gajalakshmi,
Bhubaneswari temple Kamakhaya Guwahati
#Assam #Archaeology

5/ Hari-Hara
C. 8th - 9th Cent. CE
Deopani Golaghat, Assam
#Archaeology #Assam

6/ Mahisamardini (bronze)
Odalbakra, Kahilipara, Guwahati
C. 9th-11th Century A.D…
#Assam #Archaeology

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