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24 || Chelsea fan || multifandom/whatever I'm obsessed with at the moment ⬇️My AO3⬇️ CEO of short hair Scarlett

Jun 13, 2023, 27 tweets

Wrong number
A short #Avatrice smau where Beatrice went on a date, had a good feeling, but found out in the worst way that her date didn't enjoy it as much as her.
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

- This is a short smau, just them meeting and falling for each other. No big bad plot, no angst, just gays being gays 😁
- Timestamps don't matter except if I say they do
- Sorry for the few typos
- Really chill story, enjoy the ride


- Beatrice Lee Taylor, 25, she/her. Journalist and writer. From London, recently moved to New York.

- Ava Silva, 24, she/her. Nurse, athlete (sort of). Born and raised in New York.

Let's get started.

1. I'm sorry, who are you?

2. She sounds nice

3. and fuck you

4. why don't you?

5. We are friends then!

6. hot and British

7. omw

8. Old and rusty

9. right?

10. My legs gave out

11. Ava to the rescue

12. making pretty girls fall asleep with my hands

13. Bea (timestamp matter in the text chat)

14. fuck it

15. A date?

16. dress to impress

17. Uncomfy but pretty

18. a few seconds

19. bloody idiot

20. totally normal about this

21. something at the end

22. one year later

The end.
I hope you enjoyed this short smau as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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