Amandine | Fletcher era Profile picture
24 || Chelsea fan || multifandom/whatever I'm obsessed with at the moment ⬇️My AO3⬇️ CEO of short hair Scarlett
K Profile picture Cami 🍀 Profile picture Avatrice 🍉 Profile picture nothere Profile picture 6 subscribed
Jul 12, 2023 100 tweets 75 min read
Making History
An #Avatrice SMAU where Beatrice starts her fifth season as captain of Chelsea. She, Ava and their teammates could become legends of Chelsea if they win a second Champions League. Can they succeed?

174. March 23rd

Jun 24, 2023 60 tweets 42 min read
Love on tour
A short #Avatrice smau where Ava is a famous singer in need of a guitarist to replace hers that got injured during her tour. Beatrice happens to be a very talented guitarist..
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

- it's more of a semi short smau. it'll be posted in three parts.
- I used Fletcher's discography for Ava's songs.
- apologies for the potential typos, I wrote this in three days
- chill story once again, just enjoy
Jun 13, 2023 27 tweets 16 min read
Wrong number
A short #Avatrice smau where Beatrice went on a date, had a good feeling, but found out in the worst way that her date didn't enjoy it as much as her.
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun ImageImageImageImage Notes:
- This is a short smau, just them meeting and falling for each other. No big bad plot, no angst, just gays being gays 😁
- Timestamps don't matter except if I say they do
- Sorry for the few typos
- Really chill story, enjoy the ride
Jun 12, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
since its been a while (I will not talk angst, only fluff and joy here ty) thank you, updates will be back on Wednesday Image
May 6, 2023 312 tweets >60 min read
Out of sight..

Ava lives in Brazil, Beatrice lives in England, thousands of kilometres separates them. Their chance of meeting is slim but the Internet is worldwide. It allows them to find their people… and person. Can their shared passion help lead them to each other? ImageImageImageImage Tags: Avatrice, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Online Friends, Arcane.
Feb 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread of completed SMAUs:
#SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun Hale's, teen movie inspired smau

Feb 23, 2023 27 tweets 8 min read
questions, requests, screams because of today's update? I think I read about ten of them at the moment, and I've read eight thst are completed. I'm probably gonna start a couple new ones so if you have a favourite let me know
as for my favourite I'd say Sei's, Flashes AU was amazing too, and Ray's <3
Feb 22, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
any questions? smau related or not tomorrow Image
Jan 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
any questions? smau related maybe, or not whatever you want I don't watch much, so I'm gonna say Wendie Renard because she's France captain
Jan 27, 2023 679 tweets >60 min read
home or away?

an avatrice smau where Ava and Beatrice play football in different teams in Premier League. Their first encounter on the pitch is heated and a rivalry grows between them.
But when Ava is offered a contract in Beatrice's team, what will happen of this rivalry?


- All the accounts and tweets are fake, im not trying to impersonate any existing entities, its all for fun.
- The stan accounts that exist gave me their consent to be in the story.
Jan 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
distract me please in anxious and can't sleep if we're talking singers, Taylor Swift and L.E.J (its a French band they are amazing go listen) Image
Jan 14, 2023 52 tweets 20 min read
⚠️ this is the last screenshot of part 148 that forgot to add please make sure you read it because it's important for the plot and explains why Ava was I secure at the beginning of beas birthday ⚠️ Image 168. and now back to the present ImageImage
Dec 28, 2022 154 tweets 59 min read
- poetry -
an #Avatrice smau where Ava is transferred to a new college for one semester and meets Beatrice, one of the smartest students on campus
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun - notes -
- timestamps don't matter
- I don't understand how American college work but I'm still going with it (see in notes later)
- interact as much as you want
- please share im a small account 🥺
- updates will be very irregular but ill try to do daily